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Boost Conversions with App-like Interactive Emails

Jul 15, 2022, 19 tweets

We’re overwhelmed with the response to the #SaaSEmailFlows resource. Thank you to all those who’ve contributed to bring it to life. Here's a recap 👇🏼

Start with a warm welcome, introduce your brand and tell your customers what to expect

If the user has entered into the funnel by downloading a resource, ask for feedback and provide solutions for their pain point

Drive event registrations with timed reminders

Nurture webinar attendees and non-attendees with targeted sequences

Nurture and engage leads coming in from different sources by sharing valuable content

Build a relationship and engage leads who’ve gone cold with helpful resources and feature announcements

Remind leads who’ve booked a demo, give option to reschedule and follow up post the demo

Nudge free users to explore the product, ask for feedback and highlight social proof to help them assess and upgrade

Educate self-serve users to help them make the most of the product

Are you a high-touch SaaS company? Assist users during the onboarding process at scale with this sequence

Increase awareness of new and existing features with this sequence to drive product adoption

Show churned users that you care by asking for feedback

Know your customers’ needs and preferences at all times with an ongoing feedback sequence

Upsell/cross sell to existing customers automatically with an ongoing sequence

Prevent churn by sharing product activity updates, relevant resources and asking for feedback

If you found this thread valuable, check out the detailed version of each sequence here -

We look forward to your comments 💫


Need help in setting up any of these sequences? Access a free consultation session with an email expert 📞

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