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Jul 18, 2022, 7 tweets

In the greater Horn of Africa, WHO is scaling up its operations to maintain access to health care & help safeguard over 80 million people from a worsening food insecurity crisis & the worst drought in 40 years.

Read more 👉 #WHOimpact

In drought-affected #Somalia 🇸🇴, WHO & partners provide necessary assistance to health workers, enabling them to visit 300,000+ households & helping sick children, including those with #measles.

Read more 👉 #WHOimpact

World leaders rallied at the 75th World Health Assembly #WHA75 to reform Africa’s health emergency response:

➡️ more investment in health infrastructure
➡️ a dedicated global emergency health workforce
➡️ equitable access to vaccines & more.

More info 👉

In #Somalia 🇸🇴, WHO helped rehabilitate two broken boreholes & regain access to safe water for 20000+ internally displaced people.

This will help prevent diseases & save lives. 👉 #WHOimpact

WHO has helped install solar-powered medical oxygen systems that are saving lives in 3 cities in #Somalia 🇸🇴.

A 96% survival rate among children was seen in the first hospital in Dhushamareb. Read more 👉

WHO, @eu_echo & partners bring vaccines closer to those who are vulnerable in 15 African countries. This has helped health workers to expand #COVID19 vaccination drive to remote regions.

Read more 👉

THANK YOU to all our donors for contributing to WHO’s Contingency Funding for Emergencies and helping 80 million people facing hunger in the greater Horn of Africa. 👉 📸 UNICEF

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