Claire Bear👁☘️🇮🇪 💜🤍💚 🫀 Profile picture
Feminist,Depression/Anxiety,Sexual Assault Survivor,🫀problem, Organ Donation, Pronouns: Feck/Off #IStandWithJKRowling #VaccinesSaveLives. #StandWithIsrael 🇮🇱

Jul 18, 2022, 100 tweets

‘Feminist’ apparently….

No threat here at all….

Threatening to kill a woman.

2022 - Misogyny is fine, as long as it’s ‘Woke’

Not acceptable
#BeKind 🙄🙄


Nobody who has called JK Rowling a ‘Transphobe’ (or anyone else for that matter) has ever been able to provide proof/evidence of her apparent ‘transphobia’ or ‘hate’

No, they don’t. They *really* don’t.

Sent to JK Rowling. But, remember, folks - these are the ‘good guys’

Keep it classy..!


As soon as someone resorts to childish name calling; throwing the term ‘TERF’ around - it’s at that point you know it is completely pointless trying to engage them in a reasonable, coherent conversation. May as well try to reason with a toddler.

If, like Jake, you are someone who ‘Genuinely can’t see the issue’ then *you* are part of the problem.

For goodness sake.

Katy, the fact that you’re condoning this is absolutely disgusting

Well, Jamie’s a bit of a d**k, it seems…

‘TERF skin’

But - would *never* happen, right..?
Oh, wait.

What could *possibly* be worrying women…? Hmmm…

Stop calling GC women ‘hateful’ or ‘transphobic’

They’re not the ones with the problem.

This sort of shit is what they’re worried about.

@Mermaids_Gender ‘Digital Engagement Officer’

Same guy ☝🏻


He seems nice…

NO! NO! NO! 🤬

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