Gillian Lazarus🎗 Profile picture; poetry:; It is not for you to complete the task; neither are you free to desist.

Jul 19, 2022, 17 tweets

Going by the first few pages, the #FordeReport is going to say 'A plague on both your houses'.

This paragraph seems fair enough to me. The Leaked Report did indeed confirm the problem of antisemitism in the Party, which its readership often overlooked.

This also seems reasonable.

Forde, page 21.

From page 24

Page 30

This was my impression when I read Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick Maguire's book 'Left Out'.

Sorry it's such a long thread but people have been saying 'Where's the Forde Report?' so...
This bit's interesting.

The Report strives to be even-handed and, so far, I think it is.

To the charge that Labour HQ staff sabotaged the 2017 GE, the report says No.

In connection with the nasty messages about Diane Abbott, a perceptive paragraph imo.

My impression is that the Report strives to be emollient while criticizing factionalism from different quarters. There is a danger of it pleasing nobody.

I've heard innumerable times from friends who are or were Party members about this happening in CLPs.

Naturally, I'm reading the report through my J-lenses, & this is the first objectionable paragraph I've found. I'll say why in a following tweet.

While JVL are entitled to organize as an anti Zionist group, the denial of antisemitism in their group - justifying eg the views of Chris Williamson & David Miller - makes them unfit to be involved in training about antisemitism. My blog post, 2019:…

The problem of bilateral factional toxicity is a motif running through the Forde Report.

The Report concludes with a number of recommendations for good practice within the Labour Party.
Personally, I'm done with Labour. Let them fix their problems and geyn gezunt.

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