Gillian Lazarus Profile picture; poetry:; It is not for you to complete the task; neither are you free to desist.
Warren Richman #IFB #Patriot Profile picture Jim McNeill Profile picture 2 subscribed
Feb 17 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ I'm doing a short thread called 'Corbynists talk about Keir Starmer's wife.' Why? Because these people who deny antisemitism have no idea how to recognize it. Image 2/ From another Corbynist forum. Image
Dec 6, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ Asa Winstanley of Electronic Intifada has a book out, 'Weaponizing Antisemitism.' I see it's recommended not only by Jackie Walker but also Rita Allison, admin of 'Truthers against Zionist Lobbies'. 2/ I rarely look at Truthers these days, due to the queasiness of seeing their neonazism entwined with their avowed humanitarian concern for Palestinians, in other words, the far right masked up as the moderate left.
However, this is their schtick.
Dec 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In one respect, they're on the right track: they are indeed extremely frightening, for several reasons. Image Their beliefs are frightening. They believe that Mo Mowlam & Jeremy together achieved peace in N Ireland; that JC could be PM by Xmas; that Keir expelled JC because JC is against antisemitism; that Jeremy's popularity is so great, only a cunning conspiracy stopped him being PM...
Jul 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ I'm often the recipient of not particularly friendly tweets from people with 'It was a scam' as their logo, alongside the pro Corbyn hashtag on their Twitter bio.
A thought follows. 2/ 2017: many people found Corbyn refreshingly unspun, honest, sensible & good-hearted.
By 2019, he had showed a curmudgeonly side & his reputation was tainted due to his past association with terrorists & antisemites.
2020: No longer leader, he displayed resentment towards...
Jul 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Guess what - I've found another Vince Woosey (alias Giles F Armer alias Scott Ryan) account. It's Jack Duggan. Here he is as Scott Ryan.
Jul 24, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I see that among Scott Ryan's 18 friends are Vince Woosey & Vince's alias, Giles F Armer. Purely circumstantial of course. Image Here is Scott in a Facebook group called Labour Party Supporter. Image
Jul 19, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Going by the first few pages, the #FordeReport is going to say 'A plague on both your houses'. This paragraph seems fair enough to me. The Leaked Report did indeed confirm the problem of antisemitism in the Party, which its readership often overlooked.
May 8, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
I do understand that the Irish members of the PAIS group identify with the Palestinian cause, but their devotion to the murder of Israelis is a worryong aspect of it. Here they condemn the UAE Foreign Minister for offering condolences to bereaved Israelis. They express undiluted pleasure when Israelis are murdered.
May 6, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ I went to the exhibition about antisemitism at the @wienerlibrary, curated very skillfully by Dr Barbara Warnock. 2/ I've long been familiar with the antisemitic imagery from the time of the Dreyfus Affair, from reading & studying, but am also aware that similar images are found on social media of both right & left in this year of grace 2022.
Jan 17, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I think it would be a good idea to report this racist antisemitic Facebook group, link below. To give you an idea of their work, I'm going to post about 10 screenshots.… 1/ This followed the accidental death of two Israeli soldiers.
Oct 2, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Again with reference to Colin Jordan, I just found this book… by Paul Jackson & he refers to the diamond swastika episode as you will see on page 35... It looks like a very thorough history of the postwar far right in the UK & I think the author may be @pnjackson101 here on Twitter. On page 35:
Oct 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ PMJC is certainly the forum for hardliners at present. 2/ 'They (Israel)' says Alma referring to the GCSE examining boards.
Oct 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Gevalt. this is from a group called 'Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn'. I know. You think I made it up, maybe got a paragraph from some early 20th century antisemitic pamphlet & transplanted it to make it look like a Corbynist said it. I wish!…
Oct 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Adam in the lions' den. Note Brian Leonard asserting that Israel was involved in 9/11 & I think he means 7/7 in London when he says '9/7'. 'Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn' is the name of this group. @CST_UK @antisemitism These groups are very bad places. Does Facebook exercise any control over the hate speech,the falsehoods & the conspiracy theories?
Oct 1, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ With BBC's #RidleyRoad starting on Sunday, I remind myself of Colin Jordan, Britain's would-be führer in the 1960s, overtly pro-Hitler & keen to continue Hitler's work. Photo shows his his wedding to Françoise Dior. Image 2/ This was in my teenage yeears. We hated Colin Jordan more than we feared him. He had a following & militaristic aspirations but the British people were notlooking for a Hitler of their own. Françoise changed hands, between Jordan & his deputy John Tyndall...
Jul 26, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Am thinking still about JVL & the disconnect between their aspirations for, let's say justice for Palestinians & the fairly primitive antisemitism expressed daily by the supporters who comment on their posts. 2/ I know that friends who have taken issue with some quite wild allegations against Jews on the JVL page have been blocked by the JVL admins & their comments deleted, which indicates that the admins ar somewhat watchful about stuff posted on their page.
Jun 17, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
From a report by The International Legal Forum I have noticed this.
Jun 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
How easy can it be for the JVL supporters to work out what is JVL vis-à-vis JLM? They are confused enough! I'm not sure of the date of this screen shot, but you see what I mean? If this is what JVL training produces, there's something rotten in the state of Denmark.
May 18, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
1/Combined with the mainstreaming of Jew hate (something I've never seen before in the UK), biased reporting against Israel, which occurs sometimes, NOT always, manages to fan the flames. I certainly don't want to say everything Israel does is right, but the ready demonization... 2/....thrives on reportage which shows Israeli combatants & Gazan civilians but never the reverse; says 'Israel bombarded' & 'Rockets landed' (how do rockets DO that?); says 'Israel CLAIMS' but repeats Hamas announcements as fact; suggests roads in Jerusalem are a land grab...
May 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#BBCnews said that Jeremy Bowen was reporting from #Sderot. We saw Gaza. Bowen spoke about the bombardment of Gaza and showed some rubble. He hasn't mention Sderot. 'That was Jeremy Bowen - from Jerusalem,' said the news anchor.
May 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Thanks to Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer & Lisa Nandy for condemning antisemitic abuse. Thanks to Ed Davey for his Shavuot wishes. Watcha Caroline! How ya doing?
I expect Mr Corbyn will be along in a minute. Image Sorry, it's Sian Berry who's the Green Party leader. For her tweet against antisemitic racism, she's chosen to retweet Aaron Bastani. Image