Clark Joe Profile picture
Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Jul 25, 2022, 7 tweets

It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for the scene Bat Light in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood

Semi-short thread today about this. First, we start off with the Ralli’s diner, now with even a sign for it. This is a reference we see the inside of the location during the Capitol Montage scene

Then, we have a small reference to The Riddler when Batman is leaving the spear in the ground to fight Superman.

This is also the time when we first see the iconic Batman mech suit that is a classic reference to The Dark Knight Returns.

Interestingly, the symbol in the bat light is also very close to one of the symbols used by Batman in The Dark Knight Returns.

Additionally, Batman is standing there in the rain which might also be a reference to some of the dialogue from this classic comic from Frank Miller.

And that’s a wrap for today’s small thread. Remember if you like this thread or any previous ones, consider donating to the @afspnational Autumn Snyder Fund. Every small amount counts to raise awareness for this cause!…

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