James Taub Profile picture
Historian with a focus on military history. Associate Curator @AmRevMuseum. @UofGWarstudies MLitt. All views are my own

Jul 27, 2022, 11 tweets

🧵In a lot of American histories of #WWI campaigns, we hear of complaints that the French moved too slowly, causing undue casualties. A prime case study of that is the 1st and 2nd Division at Soissons. A recent history stated of the 19 July attack of the 6th Marines that;...

"The final hindrance for the 6th Marines was perhaps the most important. Once again, the 1st Moroccan Division, tasked with the mission of protecting the Marines’ left flank, failed to advance, as did the 38th Division on the right.

This combination of dire news meant that the #USMC and French tankers were attacking without coordinated artillery or air support, or support on either flank; moving across open wheat fields with little or no cover..."

The French regiment to the left of the 6th Marines was the 8e Régiment de Marche de Zouaves (#8eRMZ). Their regimental history records the exact opposite. As they waited on their objective they looked over their shoulders as the Americans moved forward.

"Unfortunately, our neighbors were unable to advance to our level. On our right, the Americans advanced slowly despite the line of tanks in front of them. On our left, the ravine still conceals machine gun nests that are impossible to impossible to reduce.

The regiment, strongly in the lead, could not exploit cannot exploit its success. The night arrived without any attempt being made. The enemy artillery, which had recovered since the day before, became more and more active. The roads are systematically beaten.

Our losses are significant. Major Callais, wounded in the morning by shrapnel, keeps the command of the regiment until the next day."

The 8e RMZ used 2 of its battalions as maneuver elements to surround their objective and capture it. It's a story of a costly success that differentiates our knowledge from the standard English language history of the Aisne-Marne Offensive.
#1GM #History

The 8e RMZ also has a FANTASTIC section in their JMO (Via @DeHistorique) on this action.

lol "Americains Americains"

Doughboys of the 2nd Division at Soissons, 18/19 July 1918.

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