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CyclotransEurope agit pour la réalisation de la Scandibérique (l’Eurovélo 3 en France), le développement du tourisme à vélo et des transports écologiques

Jul 27, 2022, 6 tweets

#VéloTrainEurope2022 jour 20:

Des bizarreries de train vers Sigmaringen heureusement rattrapées, et une section à vélo vers Salem jolie mais pénible !

#Thread en anglais ⤵️

The day was supposed to start w/ an IRE train ride from Stuttgart HBf to Sigmaringen, as listed on the Interrail app ↙️.

But looking up on DB website, this train was leaving from Plochingen, not going through Stuttgart.↘️

🤯 How was that possible @DB_Info @Interrail ?

So, how to quickly reach Plochingen from Möhringen, at peak hour, w/ a bike? 🤔

❌ Not by bike (too far away)
❌ Not by metro (bikes not admitted at peak hour)
✅Fortunately, in Stuttgart S-Bahn trains accept bikes at peak hour 🎉 @VVS
➡️ S1 -> Plochingen was the saviour!

Once in Plochingen, the IRE was indeed waiting, with a bike compartment & staff to help, but quite intimidating stairs & no belt to fasten the bike.

@DBRegio_BW could this be improved? (/...)

After this scenic (but belated) train ride, there were 46 km left to cycle.
Proved to be a scenic but overall straining route:

🤯 this time the route calculated by @komoot went though steep gravel paths or busy traffic roads 😱

👍fortunately, the frequent and precise bike path indications helped to find safe alternatives and to enjoy the views @ADFC_BW !

I arrived exhausted in Salem. Fatigue building up?

Now happy to 😴. Tomorrow, a break from cycling !

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