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Jul 28, 2022, 5 tweets

/1 🔔PART 2: AFL has uncovered collusion between the CDC and Big Tech to censor free speech regarding COVID-19.

Facebook & CDC collusion ⤵️:

Direct engagement between CDC officials & social media companies where CDC sends links to Facebook to flag those posts as disinformation

/2 💰$15,000,000 dollars worth of Facebook ad credits as “non-monetary gift” to HHS and CDC on vaccines, social distancing, travel, and priority communication messages–potentially in violation of the Antideficiency Act’s limitation on voluntary services.

/3 CDC requests to help ensure “verifiable information sources” are not blocked because State Department of Health posts were being blocked as vaccine misinformation.

/4 Set up a COVID-19 Misinformation Reporting Channel for CDC and Census to make reports to Facebook, and holding a “training meeting” for the Misinformation Reporting Channel.

/5 Feeding CDC with Facebook-sponsored research on the COVID-Vaccine.

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