N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Jul 28, 2022, 10 tweets

More pro-Kremlin propaganda & war denialism. This accnt claims #Mariupol is one of the safest cities in Russian occupied Ukraine & is having summer concerts in the park. BS Kremlin #disinfo. Not clear what video they pilfered this from but its NOT current or correctly attributed

As @SarahAshtonLV points out its impossible to believe given the total devastation in #Mariupol & given at the very beginning of the clip you see #Ukraine colors / flag on the stage. No way this would occur in Russian occupied #Mariupol #StandWithUkraine

Here is another pro-Kremlin troll account pushing the same BS propaganda #disinfo a few days prior. Guessing its all over Telegram as well. #StandWithUkraine

More proof its bullshit ... missed this but thankfully @NovelSci did not when I alerted her to this tweet. Someone is on a cell phone in the crowd. Theres no cell service in #Mariupol due 2 the massive destruction brought on by Russian shelling of the city

Trying to find the footage of this concert ... which I am 99% sure occurred before the war ,,, I stumbled upon this unrelated video from #Mariupol. F'ing depressing to think about what Russia did to this city

More proof its bullshit ... missed this but thankfully @NovelSci did not when I alerted her to this tweet. Someone is on a cell phone in the crowd. Theres no cell service in #Mariupol due 2 the massive destruction brought on by Russian shelling of the city

Darn it I broke the thread somehow. This is reposted in the main thread. Sorry

And a TikTok video from another known pro-Kremlin influencer falsely portraying the normalcy in #Mariupol. Its total BS Kremlin propaganda of course and its interesting this video uses the same music stage / park. Seems to be a different concert though. #StandWithUkraine

And there it is ... our very own high profile domestic propagandist and Kremlin apologist ... @JackPosobiec Again ... this was NOT a current concert in #Mariupol .. but it is Kremlin #disifo BS. #StandWithUkraine️

Okay I was partially wrong. This concert did happen in #Mariupol on July 17th. However it is pure Russian propaganda and trying to put lipstick on a pig. In certain frames of the other videos u can see the complete devastation outside of the staged park & bandshell for Russian TV

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