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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Jul 28, 2022, 11 tweets

Floods are devastating many parts of #Iran
Scenes from the city of Khash in Sistan & Baluchistan province where locals say a dam was broken.
Many are complaining of lack of state aid.

Scenes from a village near Bafq, Yazd province, central #Iran

Rudehen, east of Tehran, the capital of #Iran

Borazjan, Bushehr province, southern #Iran

Imamzadeh Davood area, Tehran province, #Iran
Reports indicate there have been at least six deaths and 14 injured.

Yazd, central #Iran

Villages near the city of Abhar, NW #Iran

Firuzkuh district, Tehran province, #Iran

Khash-Zahedan road, Sistan & Baluchistan province, SE #Iran

Isfahan, central #Iran
If floods were enough, this city saw a major sandstorm today. One of the main reasons is deforestation, which the regime carries out intensively, caring nothing about the environment.

A village in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari province, SE #Iran

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