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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Jul 29, 2022, 16 tweets

Isfahan, central #Iran
Devastating flood kills a large number of sheep.

Mazayjan, Fars province, south-central #Iran

Floods have been reported in 62 cities of 17 province leaving at least 14 killed and dozens missing.

Footage from Firuzkuh, Tehran province, #Iran


July 29—Near Tehran, #Iran
Emergency teams have found the bodies of two men and a youth in a local river located northwest of the Iranian capital.


Ardestan, Isfahan province, central #Iran

More footage of the powerful flood in Mazdaran village of Firuzkuh, Tehran province, #Iran

Yazd, central #Iran
Building crumbles as a result of floods

Footage of flood waters entering the village of Dehnar near Firuzkuh, Tehran province, #Iran

Aftermath of the flood in Mazdaran village of Firuzkuh, Tehran province, #Iran

Ali Arab village, Chadegan, Isfahan province, central #Iran

Official reports indicate 26 dead and 27 missing in four provinces. Other reports show floods in 17 provinces.

More footage of the floods in Yazd, central #Iran

Nahuk village near the city of Sabzevar, southeast #Iran

Latest official figures:
Floods & landslides in four of #Iran's provinces have killed 32 in one day alone & 30 are reported missing.

Footage from Nosratab, near Zahedan, Sistan & Baluchistan province, southeast Iran

Yazd, central #Iran
Locals report four homes crumbled as a result of the ongoing floods.

Taleqan, Alborz province, northern #Iran
A vehicle was completely destroyed in Thursday's floods.

Floods cause severe damage to a bridge on the Zarand-Bafq highway in Kerman province, south-central #Iran

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