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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo

Jul 29, 2022, 13 tweets

Dictionaries/wikipedia changing the meaning of words in order to help the left win arguments.

A thread🧵

@Cernovich gives us our first example: wikipedia redefining "recession" to help Democrats👇

When Republicans put Amy Coney-Barret on the Supreme court the left chaged the meaning of "court-packing" and dictionary .com went along with it.

Speaking of Amy Coney-Barret...

When Amy Coney-Barret used the term "preference" wbile discussing sexual orientation the left pretended that "preference" was offensive, and Merriam-Webster changed the definition in order to make that lie stick👇

The transgender people got merriam-webster the change the definition of the word "female" to include "gender identity" (pic 1) when that was nowhere to found as recently as 2019 (pic 2)

Of course changing the meaning of "female" means changing the meaning of "girl"

(H/T @libsoftiktok)

And of course changing the meaning of '"girl" means changing the meaning of "boy"

We also find that vox celebrating the fact that Merriam-Webster changed the definition of racism to include purely "systemic oppression."

@chadfelixg points out that google changed the definition of the word bigot

The left did not like us pointing out their use of "cultural marxism" (a term found in academic literature to refer to marxist cultural analysis) so they changed the meaning of that word to be an anti-semitic conspiracy theory... and wikipedia went along with it.👇

The left did not lile non-white voting for Trump...so they changed the definition of "whiteness" to include black, brown, and hispanic people.

The dictionary didn't go along with this...but the washington post sure did.

The game the left is playing is to shift the definitions of words in their favor, and then get dictionaries and wikipedia (the common sources people use to check definitions) to do their dirty work and change the official definition to reflect what the left wants.

The left can't win on the merits so they have to play fast and loose with the definitions. They have to use linguistic sleight of hand to make it look like they're winning.

@JackPosobiec points out that wikipedia has redefined the word "definition"

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