2/ When Republicans put Amy Coney-Barret on the Supreme court the left chaged the meaning of "court-packing" and dictionary .com went along with it.
3/ Speaking of Amy Coney-Barret...
When Amy Coney-Barret used the term "preference" wbile discussing sexual orientation the left pretended that "preference" was offensive, and Merriam-Webster changed the definition in order to make that lie stick👇
4/ The transgender people got merriam-webster the change the definition of the word "female" to include "gender identity" (pic 1) when that was nowhere to found as recently as 2019 (pic 2)
5/ Of course changing the meaning of "female" means changing the meaning of "girl"
6/ And of course changing the meaning of '"girl" means changing the meaning of "boy"
7/ We also find that vox celebrating the fact that Merriam-Webster changed the definition of racism to include purely "systemic oppression."
8/ @chadfelixg points out that google changed the definition of the word bigot
9/ The left did not like us pointing out their use of "cultural marxism" (a term found in academic literature to refer to marxist cultural analysis) so they changed the meaning of that word to be an anti-semitic conspiracy theory... and wikipedia went along with it.👇
10/ The left did not lile non-white voting for Trump...so they changed the definition of "whiteness" to include black, brown, and hispanic people.
The dictionary didn't go along with this...but the washington post sure did.
11/ The game the left is playing is to shift the definitions of words in their favor, and then get dictionaries and wikipedia (the common sources people use to check definitions) to do their dirty work and change the official definition to reflect what the left wants.
12/ The left can't win on the merits so they have to play fast and loose with the definitions. They have to use linguistic sleight of hand to make it look like they're winning.
13/ @JackPosobiec points out that wikipedia has redefined the word "definition"
Gr00ming gangs, puberty blockers for kids, and men in women's sports all have one thing in common:
Our legal, medical, and media institutions covered up predatory sexual behavior and sacrificed the safety of women and children on the altar of advancing leftist political ideology
Telling the truth about these things would have shattered Critical Social Justice (woke) narratives like "trans-kids," "Puberty blockers are reversible," and "all cultures are inherently equal."
So instead of telling the truth, they covered things up to protect their narrative.
These people don't change their beliefs to fit reality, they think reality must be changed to fit their leftist politics.
And they think that reality is infinitely malleable and society is "socially constructed" and therefore can be remade to fit their political ideology.
1/ Today's fight shows the coalition between tech and MAGA is uneasy.
MAGA sees HB-1 visas get abused in order to drive down wages and want to end the HB-1 visa.
Tech doesn't want to lose high level talent thinks HB-1 visa's are needed.
Here's how to thread this needle...🧵
2/ For starters, MAGA doesn't trust the government or corporations on immigration
They think open borders people will game the system by handing out HB-1 visa's like candy
This concern must be addressed. To do this, the government must:
A) stop the flood of illegal immigration
3/ B) Create a robust deportation policy, rigorpusly enforced, that deports illegal immigrants (including visa over-stayers, illegal border crossers, fraudsters.....all of them)
When this is done, and is working effectively, then you can address the concerns of tech people...
Left leaning institutions (universities, think tanks, NGO's, non-profits, consulting firms, and the democratic party) are staffed by woke activists who see woke political goals as moral imperatives, not mere political preferences
2/ According to woke ideology, anyone who in not actively advocating for woke social and political objectives is "complicit" in the systemic oppression of marginalized groups. On this view, a political compromise with people who oppose wokeness is like cutting a deal with Hitler.
3/ The woke have a concept called the "unbearable searchlight of complicity." It's their term for constant, unending, hypervigilant searching for anything complicit with "systems of oppression" (racism, sexism, etc)
It's the conceptual equivalent of an all seeing eye of wokeness
1/ Congress gave The National Endowment for the Arts *207,000,000*, and then told the NEA to fund projects focused on "the history of Systemic Racism"
Let's look at what the NEA did with your money.
A thread🧵
2/ Congress has the power to fund agencies and tell them how to spend their funding, and Congress told the NEA to "Continue prioritizing diversity" and to prioritize increasing diversity among "NEA staff, the National Council of the Arts, Discipline Directors, and Peer Panelists"
3/ In 2021 the NEA said they were "centering equity and justice along the lines of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, gender identity and sexual orientation, geography, poverty, and the infinite ways these intersect in everything we do"
1/ Much of what @GreeneMan6 said in our debate caught me off guard. If I looked unprepared it's cause I was.
For Example, I wasn't ready for claims like:
"The people will have the opinion that the state teaches them, we are talking about how the State will create public opinion"
2/ In the moment, I wasn't prepared for that, but I think I have an answer to that now.
I do no think that State has the ability to reach into the heads of people and re-arrange their thinking. The sort of brainwashing that is implied by his claim simply won't work at scale.
3/ The claim that he has is that the widespread practice of transing kids is due to everyone believing in trans cause of schools is deeply flawed. It was not that most people agree with trans ideology and in fact, trans ideology and queer theory are intensely unpopular...
1/ DEI has taken over The Department of Veteran Affairs.
The VA is using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for "hiring and position and talent management," and also created a "Gender-affirming Program with Speech" to help people change sex.
How DEI captured the VA,
A thread🧵
2/ In September 2021 the Department of Veterans Affairs created an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Action plan Pursuant to E.O. 13985 on racial equity.
This action plan is the Genesis for the adoption of DEI across the entirety of the VA.
3/ According to the Action Plan, the VA created "an 18-member Task Force to elevate and identify strategic opportunities across VA’s vast ecosystem of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (I-DEA)."
The VA had *18 people* dedicated to creating a plan to DEI implementation.