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Cyber Security, OSINT, whatever. Moving to https://t.co/D1L5WiTd5V

Jul 29, 2022, 11 tweets

On 23 July, Ukrainian forces struck the Daryivskyi bridge across the Ingulets river at #Daryivka, #Ukraine. Videos showed a pontoon bridge/barge providing an alternate crossing, with foliage used to camouflage the barge. 1/


Later images showed that no pontoon bridge was connected on 28 July, but that it was likely hiding downstream slightly. 3/

Very high resolution imagery now shows a more complete picture of what was going on. Here's an overview showing the pontoon, damage, and significant Russian forces dug in on the eastern bank. 4/

First we can see the ~7 impacts in detain, spread out in about 20m intervals, with one cluster of 3 impacts together. 5/

We can clearly see the pontoon barge parked just a few hundred meters downstream, including the trees and bushes used as ridiculous camouflage. 6/

Especially interesting, thanks to the very high resolution Pleiades Neo imagery, we can identify at least 45 Russian military vehicles, many entrenched, in defensive positions to secure the east side of the River. 7/

The area just north of the intersection seems to be a base of operations. 8/

Finally, the quality of imagery from @AirbusSpace Pleiades Neo is really impressive. At 0.3m resolution, we can sometimes even read an individual "Z" marking on a truck.

Comparing 24 and 27 July, we can see the Russians built up the bridge head on both sides of the river. 10/

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