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Jul 30, 2022, 10 tweets

How my life is changing as a direct result of attending the #RStudioConf šŸ§µ


Just 3 days ago, I had the pleasure of watching the #rstudioconf2022 kick off.

I've been attending since 2018 and watching even longer than that.

And, I was just a normal spectator in the audience until this happened.

@topepos and @juliasilge's keynote showed all of the open source work their team has been working on to build the best machine learning ecosystem in R called #tidymodels.

And then they brought this slide up.

Max and Julia then proceeded to talk about how the community members have been working on expanding the ecosystem.

- Text Recipes for Text
- Censored for Survival Modeling
- Stacks for Ensembles

And then they announced me and my work on Modeltime for Time Series!!!

I had no clue this was going to happen.

Just a spectator in the back.

My friends to both sides went nuts. Hugs, high-fives, and all.

My students in my slack channel went even more nuts.

Throughout the rest of the week, I was on cloud-9.

My students that were at the conf introduced themselves.

Much of our discussions centered around Max & Julia's keynote and the exposure that modeltime got.

And all of this wouldn't be possible without the support of this company. Rstudio / posit.

So, I'm honored to be part of something bigger than just a programming language.

And if you'd like to learn more about what I do, I'll share a few links.

The first is my modeltime package for #timeseries.

This has been a 2-year+ passion project for building the premier time series forecasting system.

It now has multiple extensions including ensembles, resampling, deep learning, and more.


The second is my company @bizScienc.

For the past 4-years I've dedicated myself to teaching students how to apply data science to business.

I have 3000+ students worldwide.

Here are some of my tribe that I met at #rstudioconf2022.

The third is my 40-minute webinar.

I put a free presentation together to help you on your journey to become a data scientist.

A few things I talk about:

Modeltime for Time Series.
Tidymodels & H2O for Machine Learning
Shiny for Web Apps
and 7 more!


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