Asif Ali Khan Profile picture
architect🏛heritage explorer🧭writer✍

Jul 31, 2022, 23 tweets

Thread - Charminar Pictoral.
Today 31st of October 2022 , marks the 444th construction anniversary of #Charminar
i.e. on 1st of Moharrum 1000 Hijri AH (islamic calender) corresponding to 1591 AD, it was constructed by Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah.
#Hyderabad #India

Rare photograph of #Charminar by Martin Hurlimann, a Swiss publisher.

East side view of #Charminar #Hyderabad

West side view of #Charminar #Hyderabad shot in 1948

South side view of #Charminar #Hyderabad.
North & South roads of Charminar were known as "Principle street"
We can see the entrance arch of Mecca Masjid on left of photograph.

North side view of #Charminar
North and South roads were known as " Principal Street "
In this picture , we can see Charminar & equally iconic Mecca Masjid in one frame.

View of Charminar shot from 'Afzal Mahal' one of the conglomeration of 'Chowmahalla Palace' which was seat Asaf Jah rulers.
Mecca Masjid & Charminar in one frame.

South side street view of #Charminar #Hyderabad.
Notice the old bazaar which was once and still a busy business area.

Rare 1936 photograph of #Charminar lit up during silver jubilee celebrations,25 years of rule of 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur.

Photograph of #Charminar showing the Eid prayers being performed,when the large crowd over flowed from Mecca Masjid.

Photograph showing the 'Gulzar House' a salient feature of persian architecture concept, we can see one of 'Char kaman' and #Charminar in the back drop.

View of #Charminar from the boundry of Mecca Masjid.

Part of 1874 rare map of Pharaoh & Company, Madras ,showing the location of #Charminar in its epicentre with the roads in four direction radiating from it.

A rare photograph of #Charminar clicked during the funeral procession of 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur,who expired on 24th February 1967.
PC - Fazal Khan Saheb.

Beautiful sketch of #Charminar in backdrop of street bazaar by an artist.
Charminar has always been a delightful subject to sketch,paint & photograph by artists & photographers.

Another beautiful painting of #Charminar by a European artist , extract of a old book.

7th Nizam's Convoy passing the #Charminar after operation polo,
photograph shot by Jack Birns of Life Magazine.

A beautiful airal view of #Charminar shot in 1940's

#Charminar witnessed many epidemics , this photograph was shot during Covid lockdown in the year 2020.

#Charminar photographed during
Ramadan nights in #Hyderabad.
Beautifully lit up,busy street with vendors and shoppers.

* Sorry it's my typing mistake in tweet 1/n "today the 31st july" wrongly written as October.

Typing mistake wrongly written as october instead of July.

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