Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Aug 6, 2022, 22 tweets


And here we go again...

Studies. Government documents. Old books.
Going to show you how Polio is airborne.

Denialists will attack by saying:
- I'm not a virologist.

->True - but you can read the studies. Also, virologists actually do not study in detail aerosols that actually carry viruses airborne.

-Household Attack Rate is not high enough.
-Transmissibility is not great enough.
-> They said the same thing about CoVid.

Those are just CLUES to what is airborne.

But enough of them, let's get to it. Dangerous respiratory viruses are experimented with on Non-Human Primates. Monkeys.

Droplet nuclei is an old term meaning aerosol. Aerosols are airborne.…

"The presence of virus in the human nasopharynx, which has been repeatedly demonstrated, provides an obvious source of air contamination by patients and carriers; and direct contact has been traced during epidemics in a considerable fraction of cases..."

Let's go back to 1931.…

"..there are grounds for assuming that the virus lurks (LURKS) in the upper respiratory passages of man, and is given off in the air by acts of respiration."


"Epidemic acute Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis, both Air-Borne Infections"…

"NORN and MOLLER (Ugeskrift for Lzger, 26-3374. Actu pcediutrica. Vol. XIX. 394 W. SOHIER BRYANT 33: 841, 1935) say the virus may enter via the lungs as shown by commencing with cough, bronchitis, or even pneumonia, and in some cases via the tonsils, commencing with tonsillitis."

"The prodromal symptoms are also identical in our two diseases. They both commence with local acute inflammatory symptoms in the upper air-tract, nose, throat and tonsils."

"The balance of evidence suggests that poliomyelitis is an air-borne disease. However, recovery of the virus from feces, from water, and sewage must be taken seriously."


"It is suggested that inhalation of virus deserves more serious attention as a mode of human infection than it has hitherto received, since air

and dust may be contaminated from fecal as well as from nasopharyngeal sources."

As of today, according to the CDC - polio is not airborne. We'll see about that.…

The WHO:
"The virus is transmitted by person-to-person spread mainly through the faecal-oral route or, ...., by a common vehicle (for example, contaminated water or food)"

Evidently, if your Dr. is from the WHO? You are protected from the CDC droplets.…

More to come as we build the preponderance of evidence awaiting us buried in the old tomes.

Jumping up to 1972 for no other reason than I'd like to see some high-level citations - that I can then dive back down into in the earlier years.

Pay to play…

Free - and just matter of factly showing it's airborne.…

Quick side trip to the Euro CDC, where we find that that polio can be airborne via aerosols, unlike in the USA or at the WHO.

Do I detect the heavy hand of corporations on the throat of the US CDC and the WHO?….

Ok, a quick PSA for #PolioIsAirborne.

If I was in NY, I would sure be masking up for CoVid, Monkeypox, and now polio.

Although the vaccine effectiveness is at 99%, if you follow me, there's a chance you might be immunocompromised as I tend to have a bunch of such followers.

NY state has suffered a decrease in vaccinations thanks to antivaxxers.

From before the pandemic:…

Did the pandemic lead to missed vaccinations? Yes, because our government did not immediately roll out N95s so we could go to appointments safely.

I am as much a vaccine advocate as I am a masking advocate, and block in a heartbeat - so no antivax work in my replies, please :) .

Source for above pic:…

Source for polio 99% effectiveness:…

Finally... Make sure you check your vax card. You are eligible for one lifetime booster.

This is that time.

If you've had CoVid? Sorry, it hammers your immune system. Consider yourself at risk out of the precautionary principle.


This based on the info coming out of NY. Your state may vary.

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