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Aug 8, 2022, 5 tweets

A fragile Egypt-brokered truce between Israel and Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza appears to be holding early Monday.

The recent intense conflict has left at least 44 Palestinians dead, including 15 children

VIDEO: The sun rises over Gaza City as an Egypt-brokered truce between Israel and Islamic Jihad militants appears to be holding early Monday.

The truce raises hopes that the recent intense conflict that has left at least 44 Palestinians dead, including 15 children, has ended

#BREAKING Fuel trucks enter Gaza as Israel crossing reopens: @AFP journalist

#UPDATE Fuel trucks entered Gaza on Monday as an Egypt-brokered truce between Israel and Islamic Jihad militants in the Palestinian enclave held, an @AFP journalist at the crossing said.

The trucks passed from Israel through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing to southern Gaza

Gaza crossing opens as truce holds between Islamic Jihad and Israel.

The arrival of vital supplies follows the implementation of a ceasefire on Sunday, to stem the worst fighting in Gaza since an 11-day war last year devastated the Palestinian territory

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