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Escaped the root cellar to be the Town Crier.

Aug 9, 2022, 9 tweets

Bots repeating the same verbatim response, back-to-back in the same replies. They're not even trying.

#FBIMaralago #fbiraidmaralago

They send the same one to respond to several different R/Conservative blue check accounts.

Just as above, they seem to love replying to @laurenboebert and @marcorubio?

They even go for @GovRonDeSantis and @govkristinoem. DeSantis followers aren't dumb enough to fall for this.

This is called Consensus Management. They hope any R voters who read those replies will be swayed by the perceived peer pressure.

"Everyone online says this, so it must be true."

This is the same psychology used when polls showed Hillary was 99% guaranteed to get her turn.

They think you are dumb enough to fall for these Middle School level, psychological, manipulations.

Either David Axelrod has hundreds of alt accounts, or @elonmusk is a Soothsayer.

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