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Aug 9, 2022, 7 tweets

🌌 The Crypto-Mixing Service #TornadoCash $TORN Blacklisted by US Treasury #OFAC

A short thread to catch up on the latest happenings of the above event


About Tornado Cash

β€’ Tornado Cash is a protocol that makes transactions anonymous on the @ethereum network

, and it is this feature that makes Tornado Cash a β€œfavorite” tool in β€œhacks” to erase traces and withdraw large amounts of money.

@ethereum The reason for this action

β€’ The US Gov believes that Tornado Cash is accused of helping to launder up to 7 billion USD of dirty money.

, including cryptocurrencies from hacker organizations such as Lazarus Group and the recent DeFi attacks such as Horizon, and Nomad Bridge.

@ethereum ...

-> Therefore, the sanction now prohibits US investors from using the coin-mixing service’s chain in illegal activity.

@ethereum What happened after the above announcement

β€’ More than 40 related Tornado Cash crypto addresses are on the Office of Foreign Assets Controls (OFAC) special sanctions list.

β€’ Circle (USDC) Blocks Wallets Linked to Tornado Cash After US Sanctions.…

@ethereum More Updates from Tornado Cash

β€’ GitHub of Founder Tornado is locked
β€’ The website is currently not working
β€’ $TORN price down 30% and no recovery yet.

@ethereum Conclusion

πŸ™„ According to the US side, the country's Ministry of Finance will punish crypto mixer Tornado Cash for helping to launder money.

But Tornado Cash is just a smart contract, how can it be punished? πŸ˜‚

More and more regulations lately.. what are your thoughts?

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