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Aug 10, 2022, 20 tweets

Movies That will make You Uncomfortable

(A Thread)

1. #Oldboy

2. #Incendies (2010 - French)

3. #Misommar (2019)

4. #TheHumanCentipede
All 3 parts

5. #ASerbianFilm (2010 - Serbian)

6. #AntiChrist (2009)

6. #Raw (2016 - French)
#Titane (2021 - French)

7. #EdenLake (2008)
#Martyrs (2008 - French)

8. #FunnyGames (1997 - German)

9. #Irreversible (2002 - French)

10. #Dogtooth (2009 - Greek)
#Shortbus (2006)

11. #Mother (2007)
#BlindBeast (1969 - Japanese)

12. #RequiemForADream (2000)

13. #NocturnalAnimals (2016)
#TheSkinILiveIn (2011 - Spanish)

14. #Salo (1975 - Italian) #CannibalHolocaust (1980)

15. #AClockworkOrange (1971)

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