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IllumiNative is a Native woman-led racial and social justice organization building power for Native peoples by amplifying Native voices, stories, and issues.

Aug 12, 2022, 10 tweets

Yes, the term “Esk*mo” is derogatory.

In being #GoodRelatives, we must respect all people when they tell us how they identify & not use outdated, inaccurate, or derogatory terminology. The Indigenous peoples of the Arctic have been clear about rejecting this term.


The word “Esk*mo” is an offensive term that has been used historically to describe Inuit peoples throughout their homelands, Inuit Nunangat, in the arctic regions of Alaska, Greenland, and Canada, as well as the Yupik of Alaska and northeastern Russia, and the Inupiat of Alaska.

The use of “Esk*mo”, an exonym (a name given to a group of people by another group), and perpetuates harmful stereotypes of the Inuit as remote and politically insignificant, while also romanticizing the Arctic.

The origin of the word has been debated to mean “eaters of raw meat” or derive from “awassimew/ayassimew” in Innu-aimun which means “one who laces snowshoes,” which French explorers and settlers translated to the word toesquimaux, in Danish.

In 1980 the @IccInuit defined the Inuit as “Indigenous Inupiat, Yupik (Alaska), Inuit, Inuvialuit (Canada), Kalaallit (Greenland) and Yupik (Russia).”

In defining Inuit as such, they rejected the use of the term Esk*mo.

In 2020 @Dreyers announced they would change the name of their “Esk*mo Pie” ice cream bars.

"We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognize the term is derogatory," said Elizabell Marquez, head of marketing.

Also in 2020, after years of public outcry the The Edmonton Esk*mos a professional Canadian football team changed to the Elks (@ElkEdmonton). 🦌

The real Inuit Kiss 💋❄️

Follow, support, and learn more from these Arctic Indigenous organizations: @Native_Mvmt @NPActionAlaska @aknwrc @NativeFed @FNDI303 @waterfirstngo @NWAC_CA @Indspire @ITK_CanadaInuit @CdnRoots @ArcticCouncil

Remember if you don’t know how to refer to someone, just ask them how they prefer to be identified. It’s better to ask than to assume.

#Respect #IndigenousPeoples #Inuit #Arctic #Yupik #Inupiat

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