Kanchan Gupta (Hindu Bengali Refugee)🇮🇳 Profile picture
Public Affairs Commentator. Reader. Writer. Blogger.

Aug 14, 2022, 10 tweets

Today 14 August is #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
A day to remember, a day to resolve 'Never Again'.
The horrors that we Bengali Hindu refugees suffered are unimaginable.
Nehru treated us with contempt; for him we were untermenschen. His 'Idea of India' had no space for us.

The horrors faced by we Bengali Hindus of East Bengal (East Pakistan) began with the Noakhali genocide of Hindus.
Tragedy struck us twice.
We fled from Muslim League marauders to West Bengal, seeking refuge in #India
Nehru showed no compassion.

We Bengali Hindus had to sign affidavits declaring ourselves 'refugees' in #India
Nehru refused to accord us the status of 'refugees' as it would entitle us to stay on. He called us 'migrants' and 'displaced persons'. He demanded we go back.

Worse, Nehru labelled us 'Permanent Liability', put us in filthy PL Camps, and when these shanties were full, crammed hundreds of us in damp, dark jute godowns with no ventillation.
This was his version of Dachau. We were the 'New Yehudis'.

Nehru believed we Bengali Hindu refugees were crossing over to #India not to flee rapacious killers of Muslim League, but to feast on his free ration (few kilos of inedible rice). So he ordered a cut; decreed men were not entitled to it.

To discourage West Bengal Govt from helping us Bengali Hindu refugees, Nehru drastically reduced Central funds for the State.
'Send them back,' he told BC Roy.
You see, we Bengali Hindus fleeing death had no place in Nehru's 'Idea of India'.

Nehru signed the shameful Nehru-Liaquat Pact to trick us Hindu Bengali refugees into going back.
But we clung on to the soil of this land.
While Nehru supped and sipped on the finest food and booze, we saw our children starve, our old perish.

A livid Nehru ordered Bengali Hindu refugees to be packed off to uninhabited, inhospitable lands. Among them, Dandakaranya.
We were transported to 'Work Camps', much like Hitler transported Jews to 'Labour Camps'.
Many perished, others survived.

For many Bengali Hindu refugees Nehru decreed 'Kala Pani': They were sent off to Andamans.
Those who had some money, wanted to collectively rent land and build homes on the southern fringes of Calcutta. Owners were told not to rent us land.

But we Bengali Hindu refugees fought to survive; we seized the land and built refugee colonies like Bijoygarh.
This was our country now.
We rebuilt our lives. We helped build this great nation🇮🇳
Unlike Nehru's clan, we were never a liability.

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