Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay

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Since the Queen died I've been enjoying all the jokes and memes but I've been sternly reminded this is wrong - we are supposed to be respectful and sad, apparently. So I figured we can all do some serious reflecting and learning. Here are some great threads:
TikTok about authoritarianism
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Sikh people eating food at a relief camp at Khalsa college in Amritsar following unrest in the wake of the Partition of India and Pakistan.

#Amritsar #Punjab
A destroyed building in the Katra Jaimal Singh area of Amritsar during unrest following the Making of India and Pakistan by doing Partition of Punjab

#Amritsar #Punjab
#IndependenceDayIndia #IndependenceDayPakistan
Indian soldiers walking through the debris of a building in the Chowk Bijli Wala area of Amristar, during Unrest at the time of Partition of Punjab to Make India and Pakistan.
#Amritsar #PunjabPartition1947
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Some quotes in this thread.

Alain Danielou says in Histoire de l'Inde:

"India whose ancient borders stretched until Afghanistan, lost with the country of seven rivers (the Indus Valley), the historical center of her civilization.
At a time when the Muslim invaders seemed to have lost some of their extremism & were ready to assimilate themselves to other populations of India, the European conquerors, before returning home, surrendered once more to Muslim fanaticism the cradle of Hindu civilization."
Says the French Socilaist Philosopher, Jacques Ellul :

"One ought not to forget that the terrible war of 1947 in India between the Muslims and Hindus was fought on a purely religious basis.
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Partition: Bengal
In the Great Calcutta killings, the Mayor of Calcutta, Syed Mohammed Usman wrote in a pamphlet, “We Muslims have had the crown and have ruled. Do not lose hearts, be ready and take swords. Oh kafir! Your doom is not far.”



This was supported by Husseyn Shahid Suhrawardy, the then Bengal chief minister, who in his speech indirectly promised no actions to be taken against the armed Muslims should they decide to unleash their activities in the city.

DN Panigrahi, the author of India’s Partition: The Story of Imperialism in Retreat, also confirmed the inaction of police & army on that ghastly day when unabated killings and rapes went on for 48 hours, after speaking to a foreign journalist present in Calcutta on that day.
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August 16, 1946. Jinnah declared Direct Action Day. Murderous mobs razed Hindu shops, raped women, killed at will. Gopal Patha, a butcher, picked up arms to save his people, save Calcutta. Not even a footnote in history. #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
Jinnah ran to Gandhi. Gandhi met Patha, asked him to lay down arms. "I will not lay down even a nail if it has been used for defending Hindu honour," Patha said.
Our history is many shades of grey. Let there be truth. And then reconciliation.
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Today 14 August is #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
A day to remember, a day to resolve 'Never Again'.
The horrors that we Bengali Hindu refugees suffered are unimaginable.
Nehru treated us with contempt; for him we were untermenschen. His 'Idea of India' had no space for us.
The horrors faced by we Bengali Hindus of East Bengal (East Pakistan) began with the Noakhali genocide of Hindus.
Tragedy struck us twice.
We fled from Muslim League marauders to West Bengal, seeking refuge in #India
Nehru showed no compassion.
We Bengali Hindus had to sign affidavits declaring ourselves 'refugees' in #India
Nehru refused to accord us the status of 'refugees' as it would entitle us to stay on. He called us 'migrants' and 'displaced persons'. He demanded we go back.
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In the dead of the night, a young girl woke up to find her parents burn newspaper in the courtyard. She was confused. A few days ago, her elder sister was stopped on her way to college by a group of men. Her parents burning newspapers in the dead of the night made no sense.
The mother came into the house and took the girl to the courtyard. Her elder sister was standing there in a corner, trembling in fear. The half awake, confused girl looked at her parents & her sister. The next thing she knew, her mother took a fistful of burnt newspaper..
and smeared it on her face. Next the mother took another fistful and smeared it on the face of the elder sister. The mother then dressed both the sisters in old dirty clothes. Together with the parents they got on to a tonga with just one steel trunk and left.
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On the occasion of the First #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay, this blog post by @NAN_DINI_ Ma'm is worth a revisit.…
आज़ादी अभी अधूरी है..
A brilliant piece by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji.
Worth a watch.
I'll just leave this tweet from last year here as well. Was tweeted when the #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay was first announced
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Bengali Hindu refugees from East Bengal (later East Pakistan) sought shelter in #India after Partition 75 years ago.
The horrors of partition did not end; they continued as Nehru and his minions stripped us of our dignity and dehumanised us.
Millions of Bengali-speaking 'nowhere Hindus', uprooted from their land, reduced to penury, begging for food, were treated with spiteful contempt by Nehru and his minions. They hated Bengali Hindu refugees, and made their miserable lives worse.
Nehru and his minions put Bengali Hindu refugees in squalid 'Permanent Liability Camps'. They were given a few kilos of inedible rotten grains.
Later, like 'Labour Camps' in Hitler's Germany, these PL camps were renamed 'Work Camps'.
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This August 14 we will be observing the first 'Partition Horrors Remembrance Day', a day dedicated for this purpose by PM @narendramodi last year.
All who suffered the horrors of Partition in 1947 and Hindu refugee legatees should participate in the observance of this day.
Just as Holocaust Day is a day of collective remembrance, of ensuring memories remain, of prayers, and of reaffirming the resolution 'Never Again', our Partition Horrors Remembrance Day should bring together our nation, at home and abroad, for remembrance and reaffirmation.
The Horrors of Partition have not quite come to an end. The persecution of Hindus and other minorities continues in our neighbourhood.
Hence remembrance is important. Like Holocaust horrors, Partition horrors must not be forgotten. Some wounds never heal. Remembrance helps.
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Apr13-1919: British forces,under Dyer’s command opened fire at peaceful protestors leaving thousands of Indian killed & injured inside Jallianwala Bagh. 

Today at 6:25 pm, after 102 yrs,4 months & 15 days PM @narendramodi will inaugurate museum galleries at Jallianwala smarak Image
That PM @narendramodi has utmost regard for Indian forces/freedom struggle was beautifully captured by @ThePulseIndia in this thread. No wonder PM has chosen 6:25pm as time to inaugurate museum galleries at Jallianwala Bagh smarak. U know Dyer gave firing orders @ 6:25pm only!
The museum galleries to the smarak have been added in record time as foundation stone for expansion was laid on January 25 2021 only.

To pay homage to the martyrs, the soil from their homes and villages was used in the construction of this smarak. ImageImageImageImage
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Often I have read Nehru or about him but never bothered to listen to him or his views other than his tryst for destiny speech, thrusted down our throats for last 74 years!

Today I mustered courage and spent many hours listening to his speeches from 1947 onwards! Thread follows
Thanks to @prasarbharati we have readily available archive of all the I-day speeches from 1947 onwards.…

Request @shashidigital to start a process to transcribe these speeches as well. Will go a long way in breaking the halo of Nehru- Gandhi’s!
First things first : if you make a stranger with knowledge of Hindi or Urdu hear these speeches, his first reaction will be that all the speeches were more like in Urdu. Yes close your eyes and listen to his speeches. All his speeches were more like in Urdu. No wonder!
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O Lal Sahin, Mhunja Jhule Lal
Pallav tho payan...
Pyarey @ShashiTharoor jee pat rakhjayn
Unheyjo bedoh, jeko vich seer mein munjhial ahey, meher karey Sindhu kinarey paar karayjain
Edhan mahroon khey mat dijayen
Mat dijayen mhunja Lal

Sabhai chao Jhuley Lal
Jeko chavando Jhuley Lal, thenjah theenda beda paar

O My Lord Jhuley Lal,
I spread my hands and seek your indulgence,
Continue your blessings to beloved @ShashiTharoor
Bless his boat, which is direction less midstream
to reach the other bank of the Sindhu river.
Give sense to such people,
give sense to such people my Lord Jhuley Lal
Everyone say Jhuley Lal
Whoever says Jhuley Lal will safely cross the river
#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay 3/3
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Bharat is not a Dharamshala.The priority must be to save Indic communities. It has to & must look out for itself first. It can't endanger its already precarious demographic balance to please the gallery & win empty humanitarian accolades. It can provide material aid & that's all.
Here's is an interesting exchange from Shri Chandraprakash Dwivedi's Chanakya on accommodating refugees citing "athithi devo bhava" because the problem is they won't be merely athithis for long -
Americans & Pakistanis have created this mess in Afghanistan. It is for them to clean it up,not Bharat.Demographic inversion is already a reality in several parts of Bharat & the Indian State shudnt worsen this situation. Only Indic communities are an exception to this position.
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நம் தேசம் துண்டாடப்பட்டு சுதந்திரம் கிடைத்த நாளில் நாம் சபதம் ஏற்போம்.

சர்வ சக்தி வாய்ந்த இறைவனையும் நம் முன்னோர்களையும் நினைவில் கொண்டு சபதம் ஏற்கிறேன்.
1947இல் நாடு பிரிவினையான நாள் முதல் மகத்தான பலவீனம் அடைந்து

நாட்டிற்கு உள்ளும், வெளியிலும் பிரிவினைவாதிகளும் Image
பலமடைந்து வருகிறார்கள்.

நாட்டின் செல்வவளம் குறைந்து வருகிறது.

இந்த நிலையை மாற்ற பாரதம் மீண்டும் அகண்ட பரிபூரண
ஹிந்துஸ்தானமாக மாறவேண்டும்.

பக்தியும் சக்தியும் வாய்ந்த ஒருசிலர் முனைந்து முற்பட்டால் இந்த
உணர்வை பரப்ப முடியும்.
இதற்காக என்னை நானே அர்ப்பணித்துக்

இந்த சபதத்தை வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் கடைப்பிடிப்பேன்.

தொடர்பில் வருகிற அனைவருக்கும் இந்த உணர்வை ஏற்படுத்துவேன்.

ஆயிரம் ஆண்டுகளில் இழந்த
இதற்கு முதல் படியாக பாரதநாடு கட
நிலப்பரப்பை மீட்போம்!
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74 years ago my father & family came from Karachi to Okha port in such steamer at time of partition in 1947. My father was teacher in Sharada Mandir School of Karachi in 1942 to 1947.After partition our family returned back to Porbandar (Gujarat).
#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay Image
In 1947 after partition of India & Pakistan,migration of Hindu & Muslim population started on both sides.Indian govt decided to settle Sindhi Hindu refugees from Pakistan in Junagadh state as there were many properties of rich & upper middle-class Muslim who migrated to Pakistan.
Govt. decided to settle Sindhi refugees who were arriving at Veraval port from Karachi at Kutiyana, Bantva, Veraval & Junagadh.2 camps were set up with capacity of 20000 persons each at Kutiyana & Bantva.There were many properties of rich NRI Memon Muslim who migrated to Pakistan
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One of the least talked about incidents of post partition violence is the massacre of Hindus and Sikhs in Mirpur- Abdullah and Nehru, despite hanging time, failed to save almost 40,000 Hindus and Sikhs who came to Mirpur for refuge #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
You may have heard how Khilji and others used to give gold in lieu of weight of janeyus of Brahmins massacred by his forces - here Shastri ji is narrating the same - yes this didn’t happen 500 yrs ago but only 74 yrs ago and we forgot abt it #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
Entire train barring one small girl was cleansed of its travellers #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
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#PartitionHorrorRemembranceDay : Bir Bahadur Singh narrating the story of his village when his father and others decided to kill all the daughters between 4 & 40 after Gulam Rasool demanded one of their girls in lieu of safe passage!
#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay Harchet narrating how neighbours turned enemy overnight, trains were slaughtered and he had to walk for several days before he reached a safe place in India
Gyan Chan Nagpal had to encounter Muslims at two places PakPattan and then at Kasur…… his sister in law was hit on her face with an axe by attacking Muslims #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay
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Such reactions to #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay are a result of seven decades of insensitive apathy towards the horrors of partition and the complete distortion of history of our sacred geography. Image
Another attempt to gaslight. Image
Whose Independence Day does she celebrate on the 14th of Aug? Image
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We want to remember !

~Art, culture, history taught & spoken are soothing balms for wretched souls savaged by violence.
Our leaders, historians & thinkers in their wisdom never utilized these means to assuage a new country and it’s trauma~ Image
~The unforgivable tragedy is that we were deprived of National Therapy, a collective conversation to reveal, speak, discover others equally wounded and above all question~
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As a child of parents who suffered during India’s #Partition1947, I am extremely grateful to PM @narendramodi Ji for declaring August 14 as #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay. This will forever be a reminder of the human misery caused by wrong policies of the then Govt.
My father escaped murderous mobs by the skin of his teeth when he took the last Frontier Mail to India with nothing but the clothes he was wearing.

Both my parents then suffered & struggled for years. I grew up listening to their experiences.
The declaration of #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay when we celebrate #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav is a homage to the struggles & sacrifices of my parents, grandparents & millions of others like them.
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#IndiaAt75 || Just a day ahead of India’s 75th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announces “#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay”, to be observed every 14th August.

The day will be marked to remember the horror of the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan. (1/5)
#IndiaAt75 || Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote, “Partition’s pains can never be forgotten. Millions of our sisters and brothers were displaced and many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence.”

#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay (2/5)
#IndiaAt75 || Prime Minister added, “In memory of the struggles and sacrifices of our people, 14th August will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.” (3/5)

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