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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Aug 14, 2022, 13 tweets


20 years ago today, the Iranian opposition NCRI unveiled for the first time two sites of #Iran's secret nuclear weapons program in Natanz & Arak.

Thanks to the West's appeasement, the ayatollahs are very close to the bomb.



#Iran IRGC’s Telegram channel posted a video saying regime is now able to quickly build nuclear weapons and its ICBMs can "turn New York into ruins and hell!"

Yet Biden and Europe are still begging for a highly flawed deal with Tehran.


July 17, 2022

Kamal Kharrazi, foreign policy advisor to #Iran's dictator Ali Khamenei:

Iran has become a nuclear threshold country. We have the technical capability to produce a nuclear bomb.

July 17, 2022
Senior Iranian official Mohammad Javad Larijani:
"If we ever decide to build a nuclear bomb, no one can stop us!"

After Kharrazi, Larijani was the 2nd senior official within 24 hours to publicly say #Iran's regime can build a nuclear bomb

July 24, 2022

Former Iranian diplomat Amir Mousavi:

#Iran is technically capable of producing a nuclear bomb. There is pressure from inside Iran and from the region to change Khamenei’s fatwa banning nuclear weapons.

June 3, 2020
@OlliHeinonen: A decision must be made to go hard on the regime because of Tehran's non-compliance. Since 2002, the regime has never been in compliance with nuke safeguards.


#Iran violated the 2015 nuclear deal from day one.

They did not dismantle the core of the plutonium reactor at Arak, as required by Obama’s deal (JCPOA).

And certain politicians say this regime should be trusted.

Here's something you won't find on mainstream media:

#Iran has used the Obama/Biden years to extensively violate the 2015 nuclear deal. This was not the case during the Trump years.

Read my report based on credible sources.


This thread covers the long history of Iranian opposition NCRI's revelations of #Iran's secret nuclear weapons program.

This coming Wednesday, Sen Joe Lieberman, Amb. John Bolton, Amb. Bob Joseph, Gen. Chuck Wald, Dr. Olli Heinonen, and James Rosen will attend a timely conference on #Iran's nuclear weapons, its terror machine, internal vulnerabilities & Iran policy options.


And how has Biden’s administration responded to all of #Iran's aggression?

State Dept. spox once even described the nuclear talks as “indefinite”.

Unfortunately, there is more to Biden’s weak policy vis-à-vis Tehran.


March 3, 2022
Biden's Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says buying oil from #Iran, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, is “on the table.”

Read more of Biden’s appeasement policy vis-à-vis #Iran in this thread.

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