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Don't sit idly by. Speak up. #Onpoli #ABleg #cdnpoli #uspolitics. #Disinformation decoder, #OSINT sleuth. Politics, dogs, music.🇨🇦🇺🇸🌻

Aug 14, 2022, 5 tweets

This is so good. Want more proof there was no “deal” prior to the #EmergenciesAct being invoked? Take a look at the “evidence” Tamara Lich’s legal adviser & the organization funding her legal bills (#JCCF) is putting out. Now, let’s take a closer look at this “agreement” #cdnpoli

Keith Wilson not only claims a letter to Tamara Lich is an “agreement” (it isn’t - there’s nothing signed by both parties), but even in the letter there’s still nothing about leaving, only moving to a more concentrated location in Ottawa. Then Wilson links to a CTV article, but…

And now comes the pièce de résistance from attorney @MarkBourrie. Wilson is inadvertently strengthening the Crown’s case against Lich! 🔥

#cdnpoli #FluTruxKlan #Freedumbers

Addendum: remember these facts, the destruction, harm & cost of #FluTruxKlan op, each time you read or hear the disinformation on the invocation of the #EmergenciesAct coming from malignant actors & propaganda in #cdnmedia like #PostMedia. #cdnpoli

PS, this is Keith Wilson showing his hand. This is all he has. A letter from #Ottawa mayor @JimWatsonOttawa to Lich & her reply. He calls these “the documents”. A LETTER ISN’T A CONTRACT. The only “agreement” was to move the occupiers’ vehicles WITHIN Ottawa. #cdnpoli

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