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Imperial & Military History of Bengal || Glorious Gangariddhi, Gauda, Chandra, Pala, Sena, Deva Empires || Hindu Resistance of Bengal against M invaders

Aug 15, 2022, 15 tweets

🇮🇳 Happy Independence Day 2022

⚔️ The Sannyasi Rebellion (1761-1802) & Pandit Bhabani Charan Pathak - First War of Indian Independence - 1st Freedom Revolutionary of India

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Pandit Bhabani Charan Pathak was leader of the chronic religious struggle named Sannyasi Rebellion of 18th century in Bengal against British rule & exploitation. The Sannyasi Rebellion is considered to be the First ever Freedom Struggle of India against British imperialism


He established a revolutionary militant group consisted of Adi Shankaracharya followers Dashnami Naga & Giri Sampradaya Hindu Sannyasi warriors along with a vast army of oppressed peasants. The spark of the Sanyasi rebellion campaign against the British spread over a vast


area ranging from Rangpur, Mahasthangarh, Natore, Dinajpur, Maldah, Kochbihar and Maimansingh in main area of ​​Pundravardhan to Durgapur & hilly jungle covered districts like Birbhum and Medinipur in RarhBangla. 


★ Sanyasi-British Conflicts : 

● Battle of Mymensingh (1761 AD):

In 1761 the Sannyasi warriors led by Pandit Bhabani Charan Pathak launched a joint attack towards the British camp of Mymansingh. Defeating the British,


complete independence was established in large area of ​​Mymansingh and Mahasthangarh by Sannyasis. As a result of the war victory, two of the British settlers in these areas were arrested.


● Battle of Dhaka (1763 AD): 

In 1763, the Dhaka factory was captured by a group of Sannyasi rebels. Battle occurred there between British & Sannyasis in which the rebels got victory & the British commander Sir Edward was killed. 


● Battle of Ghoraghat (1771 AD): 

In 1771, a fierce battle was fought in Ghoraghat straight to Dinajpur by Sannyasis against British under leadership of Pandit Bhabani Pathak and Devi Chaudhurani.


In 1784 the Dhaka factory was recaptured, the firing of the Sannyasis seriously wounded Robertson, a British army officer, and British troops suffered heavy losses. 


● Battle of Gobindaganj (1791 AD):

On June 16, 1791 Pandit Bhabani Pathak again engaged in a naval battle with the British in Brahmaputra river near Gobindaganj of Rangpur district. 


This time British generals used heavy cannons to suppress arrogance of the Sannyasi rebels. Unfortunately here the sanyasis were defeated and Pandit Bhabani Charan Pathak was martyred. 


Another 50 people among the Sannyasis were injured and taken prisoner. 7 more boats loaded with rebel weapons were confiscated by the British. However in leadership of Devi Chaudhurani the rebellion continued for more 11 years till 1802.


★ Gobarjana Kali temple & Durgapur tunnel : 

Bhabani Pathak established the Gobarjana Kali temple on the banks of Kalindri near Gauda in Maldah as a form of establishment of Dharmarajya. A tunnel path was also built for secret travelling from Dinajpur to Durgapur.


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