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Special Twitter Operation "the $100m @CIA botnet that has been terrorizing @twitter" "the biggest scum on the internet" (sketchy at best)

Aug 16, 2022, 13 tweets

Hunny wake up new finger of god dropped.

Love that ammo depot 'crackle and pop.'

The skyline is a constant roil of explosions and the lady describing it sounds almost bored.

A much closer and longer view of the ammo dump (base/airbase?) in Crimea cooking off.

No waaaay lol.

#PT was from Aug 11: #Dzhankoi, occupied #Crimea
Commendable use of black printer ink, highlighting a bratty airbase that needs correction.

Can't help but notice that the long distance explosions are getting closer to the bridge.

There were two strikes, both very deep within Crimea.

Possibly the location of the second strike against an ammo dump:

I can't get over how done with this shit these ladies sound when recording gigantic explosions.


Video shows a close-up of the ammo depot supposedly hit today. Featuring a target rich environment of ammo crates and numerous military vehicles.

That is a wrap, no further memes on this subject are needed.

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