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Aug 16, 2022, 10 tweets

From #BoycottLalSinghChadha to #BoycottBrahmastra, every time a #Bollywood movie is announced, Twitter goes abuzz with the boycott trends.

Here are some things, that we should be thinking of boycotting instead of #BoycottBollywood…

1. Smoking

This is one habit that has absolutely no positive effect of any kind on anyone.

Why are we not protesting against it rather than boycotting a work of art and creativity - our movies!

2. Rape

It is the most violent thing you can do to a human being - physically and mentally.

Why are we still tolerant towards this evil?

3. War

Does it even make sense to have a mass destruction that wars create?

Why are we not boycotting people, leaders and countries who instigate wars to make this world a better place?

4. Female infanticide

Yes it still happens. People kill babies! We don't even want to say anything more here.

5. Domestic violence

In which religion, humanity or belief is beating someone up is justified?

Netizens we need your attention towards boycotting

6. Gender inequality

Why are we discriminating on the basis of gender all the time?

It is not fair and leading to make us a regressive society.

This needs an immediate ban.

7. Bribe

Most people bribe to speediate their work but what they don't realise that in this process they are eating up the fair chance of someone else, who will eventually be disappointed.

And it definitely amps up corruption which is the biggest social evil presently.

8. Religious and casteism wars

We are actually fighting over something created by us.

It was us who divided the society into religions and castes and now we are fighting over them.

We need to boycott it before it becomes 'THE' cause for the final destruction of humankind.

9. Intolerance

Instead of taking a big leap towards evolution & growing as a species, we have grown intolerant restricting our beliefs to narrow mindsets.

It is like going backwards. Take a deep breath and just set your mind be. Live the life not kill the liveliness.

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