Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Aug 16, 2022, 39 tweets

Trump Mar-A-Lago Extortion Files Thread 1/

Lost in the noise of the parlor game of #RatBingo - who is the Mar-A-Lago informant, and serious national security threats of Trump espionage, is a huge bombshell story:

FBI seized Trump's extortion files too. This Thread looks at that

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Last year I wrote a detailed Thread about the Russian spy agency KGB extortion method of 'kompromat'. It is not just sex tapes (like 'pee tape') it includes always a FINANCIAL hook (like Putin lending $$$ to Trump)

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Let's start from beginning. Trump's attack-dog, his then-layer, since disbarred convict, Michael Cohen testified under oath to Congress that he REGULARLY threatened others ordered by Trump. Michael said Trump ordered him to do so 500 times

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Michael Cohen threatened 500 separate individuals over a 10 year period - meaning Trump unleashed Michael Cohen at someone new every WEEK for TEN YEARS STRAIGHT

One was Stormy Daniels. She was paid $130,000 hush money on eve of election 2016

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This was not random. One of Trump's closest people, almost a friend, David Pecker, used to run the National Enquirer. Here is where Trump first encountered an extortion file, used on behalf of Trump

Pecker introduced this method at paper

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Pecker was collecting his evidence file into safe at National Enquirer from before 2013. He paid $30,000 to doorman Dino Sajudin to 'catch-and-kill' story of Trump illegitimate child

Pecker paid Karen McDougal $150,000 to hide Trump affair

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Extortion files from National Enquirer safe vanished sometime in late 2016. It is possible they were destroyed. More else moved. It is plausible Trump has them. It would help explain some random 'celebrities' who are bizarrely loyal to Trump

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During Transition 2016-2017 Trump experienced direct blackmail by Vladimir Putin, using Putin's pee tape. Mueller Report reveals this was first brought up by Russians in late 2016. Trump brought it up repeatedly with FBI Director James Comey

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This Thread is not speculation about whether Pee Tape exists. That is irrelevant. We know for a fact, multiple sources, that Trump FEARED the pee tape. He even wanted Comey to lie, declaring it does not exist. That is how much Trump feared it

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The Omarosa saga at White House revealed another integral part of Trump's carefully nurtured illusion of his fairy tale reality. His NDAs. Omarosa went to court (& won) to get out of Trump's draconian NDAs. All Trump NDAs were just nullified

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2019 brought us the mess of the Epstein extortion files. When FBI raided his mansion, they found organized folders of photos of adults with nude youth. And opened his safe. Found CDs of evidence likely videos & photos

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In bizarre level of 'incompetence' Bill Barr delayed 4 DAYS after they opened Epstein's safe before got warrant to seize contents. By then safe was EMPTY

Barr visited Epstein in prison. Next night Jeffrey was epsteined

Who has his files?

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I am not claiming Trump HAS National Enquirer extortion files, or took Epstein's extortion files. Or that Putin's pee tape(s) extortion videos even exist. I illustrate to you, that Trump knew of and used extortion files, and felt their pain

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Like Nixon, Trump has an Enemies List. Where did Trump get this idea? The Girl with the Nixon Tattoo told him. Roger Stone has been COACHING Trump on how to take revenge, how to use Trump's own extortion files - & how to get GOVERNMENT info

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So Trump has HISTORY of intimidation going back a DECADE before his Presidency. He knew of THREE separate extortion files used both on his behalf, and against him. And Roger Stone coached Trump?

Of COURSE HE COLLECTED his own extortion file

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Let's go to the facts. Trump CONFESSED his extortion of Ukraine. Trump even released (summary of) transcript of his 'perfect phone call'

Trumpomobsters are like that. Lick Mulvaney told us Trump did it all the time & we should get over it

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We see this in Trump behavior all the time. Look at his phone call about Georgia, asking them to find him 11,780 votes. We have Trump on tape. We know he does this. He does this INSTINCTIVELY

Of course he has an extortion file. Or had.

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And the threats. With Impeachment 1, Rudy Giuliani threatened the US President in public, with Rudy's infamous 'insurance file'

After election 2020, Roger Stone threatened Trump in the same way, to get his Presidential Pardon

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So Let's take our only actual case of the contents of Trump extortion files, that we know of: the Honorable Rapey McForehead. Matt Gaetz wrote a letter to Trump, listing his teen rape crimes, when begging for his pardon with Joel Greenberg

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Who came up with this nephariously devious method of self-extorting yourself for Trump? Roger Stone of course. Roger received that letter, so yes Trump has it, or a copy. Jared was involved. And is likely SAME vicious gambit in all pardons

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Not only will Trump have COLLECTED dirt on all his enemies, and his staffers, but Trump forced those who wanted pre-emptive pardons, to write confession letters to Trump about their own crimes. This is.. sick but ingenious

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So this is not CONVICTED criminals to be pardoned (they just paid bribes to Trump). This is the pre-emptive pardons mostly around Jan 6th incl GOP Reps:
Paul Gosar
Andy Biggs
Louie Gohmert
Gym Jordan
Mo Brooks
Scott Perry
Marjorie 3 Names

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In addition to Republican Congressmen in the above, & including Matt Gaetz, we also know Republican Sen Ron Johnson, and GOP attorneys Rudy Giuliani & John Eastman begged for pardons too

Trump likely has similar confession letter from each

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And as this story is about Trump, of course it gets even worse

So let's turn to the modern-day Mengele and alleged human being Steve Bannon & his mind rape (his terminology, not mine) of Republicans via Cambridge Analytica & Facebook.

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Bannon brain-fucked the total Republican voter base in 2016 with help of Putin's psychological warfare officers (see my Kompromat Thread for more). Part of that mind rape, revealed the sexual irregularities & misc vulnerabilities of all GOP

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Because of Bannon's brain-fucking of all Republicans in 2016, Trump knows all sexual preferences of all elected Republicans in office. Matt Gaetz likes teenage girls. Gym Jordan likes teenage boys. God knows what Lindsey Graham likes.

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Because Bannon data-mined the blackmailing vulnerabilities of ALL Republican voters in 2016, Trump has the extortion targets & their interests ALSO of NEW Republican Magamaggots now entering GOP politics at state level. The GOP is fucked

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So. Trump extortion files will likely not include every Registered Republican (but Bannon almost definitely has that). Trump has some info on all vulnerable GOP elected politicians including newly voted members of 2018, 2020

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OF COURSE Bannon spied on GOP donors & influencers too. So Trump has the gambling habits, drug addictions, financial troubles of prominent NON-ELECTED GOP too. & their sexual habits. Like that Tucker Carlson uses prostitutes. He is fuckered

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Trump has original White House NDAs of every Trump appointment. & Trump has for most of them, a far more onerous NDA from Trump Campaign, when they left Trump White House either resigning or being fired. There must be several HUNDRED people

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So in very rough terms. Likely Trump extortion file consists of:
All GOP Senators
All GOP Governors
All sitting GOP House members
All ex Trump White House staffers
Selected other GOP influencers, donors & right wing media
Say 500 with dirt

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Now let's do some statistical analysis

Hey? T Dawg! That's no fair! You didn't say there would be math! Is this going to be on the exam?

Don't worry. I will do all the numbery bits for us. So if we have 500 GOP who are vulnerable...

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The FBI took 26 boxes like this when they searched Mar-A-Lago with a court-approved warrant, plus a few misc other smaller items

A box like this fits 4,000 pages of paper documents if packed full. And we know 11 of boxes were Gov't docs

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As 11 of 26 boxes had government files, classified documents etc, that leaves 15 boxes of 'other' documents, including Trump Extortion Files. Let's say HALF were OTHER files. Say 7 boxes is the Trump Extortion file. And say each box 3/4 full

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If we assume that there were ONLY 7 boxes with Extortion files. And each box only 3/4 full (75% = 3,000 pages) we get
3,000 pages x 7 boxes = 21,000 of nasty shit about Repulsicans, held by Trump
21,000 divided by 500 creeps = 42 pages EACH

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A fair estimate says, Trump held dirt on 500 Republicans, including sexual, gambling, drug addiction & financial problems

and AVERAGE file has 42 pages of dirt

This explains SOME of the magashit we have been witnesssing

But it gets worse

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You DO understand, Vladimir Putin was BUILDING this extortion file with Bannon (and also mind-raped the British with #Brexit)

When I say 'Trump had' dirt on 500 Republicans

You need to read it as 'Vladimir Putin STILL Has' that same dirt

To all in this Thread:


You have helped spread this Thread so widely it has been read by over 460,000 people on Twitter. That is three times my TOTAL reach. In under a day, this has become one of my most-read Threads ever. THANK YOU

To all in this Thread


This Thread about Trump Extortion Files has now passed 1 million views on Twitter. Yes. You have helped spread this so broadly, that a million people have read it. That is six times my total reach !


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