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Aug 18, 2022, 10 tweets

When does something stop being a game but instead turn into another kind of app with gamification applied?

That's the kind of questions I ask myself interacting with The Ssum.


This is not a diss on the Ssum. It has many neat features and I'm enjoying using it. I'm asking because there are lifestyle apps such as @SuperBetter , @habitica , @forestapp_cc etc. that ratio just as much actual game functionality as I've seen so far in the Ssum.


There is, however, 1 glaring key difference between those 3 apps mentioned above and the Ssum.

The 3 other apps mentioned above are productivity tools that help you accomplish your goals IRL and reward you for them.

#thessum #habitica #superbetter #forest

The Ssum simulates a social platform, featuring the good and bad that come with it. The rewards in the Ssum are 100% linked to the app itself.

The main goal is to keep us engaged with notifications, timers, rewarding activity, mini unlocks, lootboxes etc.


These functionalities creates dopamine in our brains while we're inactive. And our brain loves it! More and more games utilize these practices known from gambling (and social media). Most of all the wave of Gacha games we all play, love and share on here.
(see ex. below)

That's like crack to my brain and I'm not alone.

But even so all of the gachas above and in this post have more resemblance to games than what I've found in the Ssum so far.


Furthermore the part of the game that was the hook and advertised to us for all this time is the least engaging part of the game (imho). At this point Teo is to the Ssum what Clippy was to Microsoft Word.

Difference being that I could interact with Clippy when I pleased.😅

Does me posing these arguments mean that I think that the Ssum is bad? Not necessarily!

Compared to comparable apps it's not as pushy with the gambling mechanics. It's overall pleasant to use, engaging and I'm excited about it. I'm just calling it like I see it at this point...

I personally don't consider the Ssum a game, but comparable to a forum like Gaiaonline (with less game functionality).

Keep in mind this is day two and this is an early day review. Much can change and I'm assuming it will. If not I will most likely tap out at some point. 😅

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