Caroline McAllister- XX Profile picture
A woman’s place is in the revolution. When women move the world moves. #WomenWhoWouldntWheesht #NoToSelfID

Aug 19, 2022, 7 tweets

I see the witch prickers continue to harass & abuse @GussieGrips.
Scotland is a basket case when it comes to freedom of speech & women’s rights.
This regression has taken place under the watch of a female FM who has actively encouraged the vilification & dehumanisation of women.

No one knows this better than Joanna Cherry. The ongoing harassment of Scotland’s most capable & successful MP is disgraceful.
The FM continues to ignore the vendetta ongoing for years against JC.
Her silence has brought shame on our nation.

Despite women pleading to be heard the FM has left women in no doubt that not only are their concerns “not valid” but following her emergency broom cupboard broadcast-opinionated women are not valid or valued in Scotland.
Know them by their deeds.

Let us not forget the gerrymandering of the internal selection process for List candidates which saw Joan McAlpine lose her seat.
The governing party of Scotland has been hijacked by undemocratic cronies who bully, harass & punish those they disagree with-encouraged by a weak FM

Despite the ongoing campaign of harassment Elaine remains dignified & resolute.
Her crime is to highlight the poor medical care on offer for women & transmen.
If you haven’t seen her show I’d strongly recommend it. If you’re angry at the injustice meted out buy a ticket.

If you’re worried about the direction Scotland is going in, now is the time to speak out.
@Scot_Feminists have groups all over Scotland. Join hundreds of other women uniting to defend our rights & resist the witch prickers attack on believers in biology.

@ForWomenScot have organised an demo at parliament on Thurs 15th Sept.
Our elective representatives are not listening so let’s ensure they hear us.

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