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Changing the way victims of serious international crimes claim justice.

Aug 22, 2022, 8 tweets

Our live Q&A session between camp based #Rohingya and the accountability mechanisms has begun.

Victims from within the camp begin by expressing their wish to learn more about the investigations and cases being conducted in their names.


Arselan Suleman, counsel for The Gambia before the @CIJ_ICJ answers questions on the progress before the case against #Myanmar before the International Court of Justice.

Explains that #Myanmar must provide its written submissions by April 2023.

Chantal Daniels, International Cooperation Advisor at the @IntlCrimCourt notes that justice for those who were displaced five years ago will never be fast enough. But reminds that #ICC team and prosecutor @KarimKhanQC were on the ground in February, and investigations continue.

In response to questions from the Cox's Bazar camp, Nick Koumijan, head of the #IIMM explains that the Mechanism have already started sharing information with the #ICC and #ICJ teams.

When asked who the #Rohingya should talk to, given how many courts are investigating, Nick Koumijans, head of the #IIMM, explains that if #Rohingya speak with the Mechanism, they can then share this evidence, with consent, with the other courts and legal teams.

Chantal Daniels: "Important to stress that this is not a competition between different justice mechanisms. The #ICC is looking into deportation, the #ICJ teams are trying to prove a genocide case. Our goal is to make sure that the #Rohingya stories and voices heard by the world."

Arselan Suleman, Counsel for The Gambia in the #ICJ case, answers a question from the camp the possible outcomes of the proceedings for the #Rohingya, including a change in the way states will deal with #Myanmar, and reparations for the community.

#Rohingya victims from Cox's Bazar ask questions directly to representatives from the @IntlCrimCourt, #ICJ and #IIMM, who engage with the main concerns of the community about the ongoing cases and investigations.

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