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Aug 28, 2022, 6 tweets

Jimmy Carter embodies American ideals to me more than any other American. He's inspired me my entire life. As a kid, I wrote him a fan letter w/ a full page flag of Georgia I drew. He wrote back. Two years later, he became the President. :)

2/ Jimmy Carter and lovely Rosalynn Carter: happily married 76 years!!! They married July 7, 1946, at a little Methodist church in Plains, Georgia. I've always felt like his biggest fan, but at times, it was a small club. #JimmyCarter #RosalynnCarter

3/ Did Jimmy Carter "tank the economy"? The stock market lost value, but we had good growth in GDP and jobs and peace between Israel and Egypt. I wish Carter had been harder on Iran (but NO war). He correctly advocated solar energy, fuel efficiency, etc.

4/ Jimmy Carter - I photographed him for our @EmoryUniversity #Spoke #Humor #Magazine interview in 1987. It was our #Time Magazine spoof cover story. It was at the @CarterLibrary's Oval Office replica. He's so funny and wore our t-shirt! Such a great man!

@EmoryUniversity @CarterLibrary 5/ Jimmy Carter: 1952: #Ottawa Canada's cursed Chalk River NRX nuclear reactor has world's first-ever reactor meltdown. It blows roof off the reactor and leaks 1.2 mil. U.S. gallons of radioactive water. Carter leads a 26-man US contingent to deal with it.…

@EmoryUniversity @CarterLibrary 6/ Jimmy Carter, 97, is the oldest former US President, longest married President, etc.! The #Nobel #Peace Prize winner is world's fifth oldest person to have been a state leader. Even beloved #QueenElizabethII is "only" 96. :)

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