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#Bitcoin education | MDs & Hosts @BTC Times/The SAT Signal | for comedy @thecryptoc0up1e ⚡️ Tips:

Aug 28, 2022, 10 tweets

If you haven’t tried @lntxbot then this thread is for you.

This bot allows anyone to send and receive sats via the #LightningNetwork on Telegram ⚡️

If you’re looking for an easy way to accept #Bitcoin tips, read on ⬇️

To set up your Lightning wallet on Telegram with @lntxbot, go to, type /start, and it will create your Lightning wallet address, e.g. &


To receive #bitcoin via @lntxbot, simply type /invoice and hit send, then enter the amount of sats when prompted; a Lightning invoice will be generated.

Now you can receive sats from anyone using a Lightning wallet (@MuunWallet, @Breez_Tech, @CashApp, @Strike, etc.)

To pay a Lightning invoice with @lntxbot and spend #Bitcoin, type /pay <paste invoice> and hit send.

The bot will prompt you to ✅ Pay the invoice or 🚫Cancel

To send someone #bitcoin without an invoice, type /spend <amount>
/send 6900
You can also simply type their Telegram username:

/send 69 @thecryptoc0up1e

You can generate static (reusable) Lightning addresses with LNURL on @lntxbot:

Simply type /lnurl and hit send.

The bot will send you an LNURL QR code and address ⚡️


There are a bunch of other features on @lntxbot, like setting up a #bitcoin faucet, creating a tip jar, creating group tickets, linking to @bluewalletio, and more ⚡️

If you want to dig deeper into @lntxbot, check out @fiatjaf’s GitHub:

Inspired by @adamcurry at @bitblockboom and #Value4Value, if you found this thread on using #bitcoin with @lntxbot valuable, consider giving value back ⚡️

CORRECTION: these screens are from @LightningTipB0t, not @lntxbot.

Please check out both projects and excuse our error! We’re still learning, too 🤓

This is what we get for writing a thread after a weekend of late nights with Bitcoiners 🍻

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