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Aug 30, 2022, 10 tweets

1 - Iran #EndEnforcedDisappearances
The #Iran|ian regime has a history of cracking down on its opponents. Incommunicado detentions, arbitrary abductions, summary executions, torture, and enforced disappearances are among practices commonly used against opponents.

2 - Dissident intellectuals and students, ethnic groups and religious minorities, and members and supporters of opposition groups have always been targeted.
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #Iran #NoVisaRaisi

3 - #Iran: Thousands of the victims’ deaths remain unregistered, and, across the country, there are thousands of missing bodies buried in unidentified mass graves.
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #NoVisaRaisi

4 - April 30, 2018, @amnesty wrote: “For nearly three decades, the #Iran|ian authorities have systematically concealed the whereabouts of thousands of political prisoners, including prisoners of conscience, who were forcibly disappeared and extrajudicially executed in 1988.

5 - The families of those secretly killed in the 1988 prison massacres are still living through a nightmare.
Enforced disappearance is frequently used as a strategy to spread terror within society.
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #NoVisaRaisi

6 - The feeling of insecurity and fear it generates is not limited to the close relatives of the disappeared, but also affects communities and society.
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #NoVisaRaisi

7 - In its annual report, the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances about Iran’s regime wrote: “The Working Group reiterates the concerns expressed about...
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #NoVisaRaisi #Iran

8 - ...the ongoing concealment of burial sites of those forcibly disappeared and allegedly executed between July and September 1988 across the country. #Iran
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #NoVisaRaisi

9 - The Working Group recalls that an enforced disappearance continues until the fate and whereabouts of the individuals concerned are established and joins the call for an international investigation into the matter.”
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #NoVisaRaisi #Iran

10 - Under int'l law, crime of enforced disappearance continues until the state reveals the fate or whereabouts of the individual concerned. This requires returning the victims' remains to their families when the disappeared person is found dead. #EndEnforcedDisappearances

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