Iran Freedom Profile picture
Representing activities & views of the Iranian diaspora, promoting democratic change by the people for #FreeIran Voice of #IranProtests #MaryamRajavi4FreeIran
Jan 20, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
1. What ‘shah’ supporters want to hide. One of the worst crimes of shah and the reason why Iran is suffering today. And his son never condemned.
#مرگ_بر_ستمگر_چه_شاه_باشه_چه_رهبر Image 2. Iran’s people will not tolerate another weak puppet who destroyed the country and paved the way for Khomeini. Coup 1953
Jan 18, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Just a glimpse of what the Shah did with Iran and his son never condemned it.
1. Shah's military courts which were unconstitutional tried as terrorists anyone brave enough to protest his regime. The verdict was often decided beforehand.
#مرگ_بر_ستمگر_چه_شاه_باشه_چه_رهبر 2. The Shah systematically dismantled the judicial system of Iran and the country's guarantees of personal and social liberties. His regime consistently violated the codes of law and justice,
Sep 1, 2022 25 tweets 20 min read
1- In Solidarity with Political Prisoners in #Iran, those who keep the fire of freedom & glory ablaze #FreePoliticalPrisoners
@amnesty @AmnestyIran @CanadaFP @mbachelet @JavaidRehman @UNHumanRights @StateDept @eu_eeas @JosepBorrellF @GermanyDiplo @SpainMFA @BelgiumMFA Image 2- #Iran's political prisoner Abolghasem Fouladvand
@francediplo_EN @DutchMFA @FCDOGovUK @ItalyMFA @SwissMFA @SweMFA Image
Sep 1, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
26- In Solidarity with Political Prisoners in #Iran, those who keep the fire of freedom & glory ablaze #FreePoliticalPrisoners Image 27- #Iran's political prisoner Mohammad Ali Mansouri
#FreePoliticalPrisoners Image
Aug 30, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
1 - Iran #EndEnforcedDisappearances
The #Iran|ian regime has a history of cracking down on its opponents. Incommunicado detentions, arbitrary abductions, summary executions, torture, and enforced disappearances are among practices commonly used against opponents.
#NoVisa4Raisi 2 - Dissident intellectuals and students, ethnic groups and religious minorities, and members and supporters of opposition groups have always been targeted.
#EndEnforcedDisappearances #Iran #NoVisaRaisi Image
Aug 25, 2022 12 tweets 31 min read
1 - #NoVisa4Raisi, as a member of the infamous death commission he executed 30,000 innocent political prisoners in #Iran in the #1988Massacre
@SenFeinstein 2 - #NoVisa4Raisi, as a member of the infamous death commission he executed 30,000 innocent political prisoners in #Iran in the #1988Massacre
Jun 25, 2022 17 tweets 12 min read
The #Iran|ian Resistance is the key to freedom and democracy
Speech of the 48th US Vice President Mike Pence at the MEK gathering in Ashraf-3/Albania
1/17 The #Iran|ian Resistance is the key to freedom and democracy
Speech of the 48th US Vice President Mike Pence at the MEK gathering in Ashraf-3/Albania
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
Albania Top Channel: Former US Vice President Mike Pence arrives in #Albania, visits 'Ashraf 3'
via @topchanneltv #Iran #FreeIran2022… Image #Albania Top Channel: The former vice president said that the Iranian people have a special place in his heart and that their voice is stronger than ever in the global space.
#Iran #FreeIran2022… Image
Jun 23, 2022 21 tweets 15 min read
.@Mike_Pence: It is a great honor for me and my wonderful wife to be here in Ashraf-3, Albania, where the eternal flame of freedom burns bright. #Iran #FreeIran2022… 1/21 It’s a privilege for us to be here, the home of thousands of courageous Iranian men and women… the home of peace and prosperity… the home of hope for a free and democratic #Iran. #FreeIran2022… 2/21
Apr 27, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
1) #Iran’s regime is close to developing a nuclear bomb, NO DEAL WITH THE MULLAHS:
The question is why so many contradictions despite so many warnings...
Blinken says US still thinks Iran deal best path
#JCPOA… 2) The White House is worried #Iran could develop a nuclear weapon in weeks, press secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday: #JCPOA……
Oct 28, 2021 18 tweets 28 min read
Gen. #JamesConway: #Iran now has a criminal for a president.Raisi has the blood of 30,000 of your countrymen on his hands. If we or a European nations start to deal with this person,all we will do is strengthen that regime.
Wathe Live: 👉… @StateDept @USABehFarsi @eu_eeas @francediplo_EN @GOVUK @CanadaFP @AlMissionUNGen Sen.@bobtorricelli: I have never seen a bipartisan coalition in America with the depth of support that the MEK (#MEK, #PMOI People's Mojahedin Organization of #Iran, the main Iranian opposition group) has.
Wathe Live: 👉…
Oct 28, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
The 34th session of the trial of Hamid Noury continued today.
Freedom-loving Iranians & supporters of the #Iran opposition #PMOI/#MEK call for the prosecution and accountability of Iranian regime officials involved in the summer #1988Massacre.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW @eu_eeas The rally of freedom-loving Iranians at the 34th session of Hamid Noury's trial in #Stockholm court began with a speech by Ms. Sima Mirzaei.
She read the news of the transfer of the Stockholm court to #Albania to hear testimony from mmbrs of #Iran's resistance based in #Ashraf3.
Oct 12, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
Khadijeh Borhani, one of the hundreds of women members of the #PMOI whose six relatives were executed by #Iran's regime, is testifying today in a #Stockholm court against Hamid Noury, 4his involvement in the #1988Massacre.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW @USABehFarsi… Today, Iranian Resistance member Ms. Khadijeh Borhani, from Ashraf 3, the Iranian #Resistance's headquarters (#PMOI) in Albania, testified online in a court in Stockholm, #Sweden against the leaders of the #Iran'ian regime & demanded their trial.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW @JavaidRehman
Oct 12, 2021 16 tweets 32 min read
💠Press Conference: Live Stream
🔸Legal complaints in #Scotland & Britain against the #Iran|ian Regime’s President Ebrahim Raisi for Crimes of Universal Jurisdiction

🔸Date and time:
13 October 2021, 12:00 CEST

#ProsecuteRaisiNOW… 🔸𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲
🔸Legal complaints in #Scotland & Britain against the #Iran|ian Regime’s President Ebrahim Raisi for Crimes of Universal Jurisdiction
🔸Date and time:
13 October 2021, 12:00 CEST
🔸Live Stream: 👉…
Oct 11, 2021 10 tweets 18 min read
Ms. Sophie Rohonyi supports the end of #StopExecutionsinIran.
On World Day for #NoDeathPenalty, Ms. Rohonyi spoke at a rally of the Iranian resistance in Brussels, supporting the people's demand for a #FreeIran.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW @BelgiumMFA #Belgium🇧🇪
On World Day against Death Penalty, Ms. @SophieRohonyi, MP @defi_eu attend the rally of the Iranian resistance in Brussels, supporting the people's demand for #NoDeathPenalty in #Iran.
@eu_eeas @JosepBorrellF @EUCouncil
Oct 10, 2021 6 tweets 9 min read
On October 10, World day of #NoDeathPenalty, freedom-loving Iranians in #Berlin supported the Iranian people's demand for the trial of criminal Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW ImageImage The call for the arrest and trial of the criminal President of #Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, by all sections of the Iranian people is a national & patriotic demand.
Execution is a tool for the survival of a religious dictatorship that must end in Iran.
#NoDeathPenalty #ProsecuteRaisiNOW ImageImage
Sep 20, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
Read the letter by 123 #MEK members and former Prisoners of War… to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, of repeated defamations by @bbcpersian quoting MOIS agents as well as inviting UN Special Rapporteur to visit Ashraf-3 We write to inform you of the continuous harassment and psychological torture by the religious fascism ruling #Iran also its intel services and media against us and our families.
We urge you to assign .@JavaidRehman to meet with us in Albania as PoWs.
Aug 1, 2020 23 tweets 10 min read
What's the real #COVID19 death toll in Iran?
#SaturdayThoughts Newly obtained official letters by #AmnestyInternational reveals that the Iranian Gov has ignored repeated pleas by senior officials responsible for managing Iran's prisons for additional resources to control #COVID19 spread and to treat infected prisoners.