Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 Profile picture
Nurse,Writer,Poet with interests in property rights, fighting MS, gardening and documenting my DM please.

Sep 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Like a Crouching Tiger, FBI, DOJ waited until President Trump’s Family away, then FBI & DOJ did an Illegal Search & Seizure at Trump’s Private Residence-Every square inch, desperate for smoking gun. All FBI found? Some papers they threw on the floor & so called leaks. #NytiWaPo

I saw Barron trending @Twitter
Barron, 16 year old Son of the @Twitter banned 45th President of the United States #realDonaldTrump and @OfficeofMelania ❤️🇺🇸 I couldn’t Imagine living with the constant spotlight He has endured. FBI went through Barron’s Room??? Personal Space?

No surprise I heard FBI agents would not let 45’s lawyers witness the 128 room house #Raid. Did FBI request #MarALago Security Cameras 🎥 be turned off?? So are @washingtonpost & @nytimes asking to see the mess FBI made? Anybody ask 46? Ask 46!!

I learned in Nursing School and Lillie Pearl Helm’s High School English Class, the Difference between Subjective (I feel) and Objective (I see) Data. Maybe they don’t teach that anymore. Rolling Stone weighed in??? I feel they should stick to Music 🎶

Half of My Friends/Family Love President Trump. We think something fishy went on with 2020 election. What’s it to You? It’s My Subjective Opinion! HRC insisted The 2016 Election was not right-a month before 2020 POTUS election! May 2017-@CBSNews STILL questioning 2016 election!🤦‍♀️

My Good Friend Nikolai Shmatko, R.I.P. 😢 King of Marble,
is Author of this Beautiful Sculpture of First Lady Melania Trump. Nik’s Son @rafshmatko has become a good friend. I pray 🙏🏼 every day that they are safe in #Ukraine . I want Nik’s Sculptures unveiled in Our White House.… #NFT for @CNN to review. So what makes @MELANIATRUMP so different?? Continued…

Subjective=I Feel.
Awful lot of subjective words/sentences here…

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