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Sep 4, 2022, 11 tweets


So it’s Jon vs. Croatian Railways HŽPP

As @mrak @totalcroatia1 Silvana Mendusic & Dora Koretić know… this tends to not end well

A quick thread…

I want to go from Split to Rijeka on 4th October

That’s Croatia’s 2nd city to its 3rd city

There’s a railway line - shown in orange

So it ought to work..? Via Ogulin (roughly)

Here’s a zoom in on the bit around Ogulin

If there is no direct train, changing in Ostarije ought to work, or possibly Ogulin, or both

HŽPP site…

Says “here’s a connection, but with… 20 hours 47 minutes in Ostarije. Just 1 change though!”

Like as if there is no way to get from Ostarije to Ogulin, and Ogulin to Rijeka?

(Aside: please don’t go “ah but can HŽPP site handle just 1 change…” No, it can handle 5 changes. Inc. 6 hours in Kastel Stani and 16 hours in Knin. So whatever the problem is, that isn’t it)

Anyway, so back to the manual planning… If I take the 08:31 from Split I get to Ostarije at 13:25


Ostarije - Ogulin

Plenty of trains!

And it takes only 4 minutes. 15:14-15:18 will do just fine

Ogulin - Rijeka

5 trains a day, and the last one - a bit early at 16:02 - but it’s OK, it will work

So Split-Riejka is possible with 2 changes

Split D: 08:31
Ostarije A: 13:25

Ostarije D: 15:14
Ogulin A: 15:18

Ogulin D: 16:02
Rijeka A: 18:19

Trip time: 9:48, 2 changes, with plenty of time to change

Why oh why is HŽPP’s site incapable of telling me this?

And because HŽPP doesn’t upload its timetable data into UIC Merits you can’t use a better travel planner like DB to sort this for you… This is what DB gives you - over 24h, via Ljubljana

As ever I *despair* about the state of railways in Croatia!


Can anyone explain what is happening here?


P.S. And then pick up EN 480 to München in Rijeka…

Split - Ostarije - Ogulin - Rijeka - München

Without routing through Zagreb

It looks like it works

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