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Jan 21st 2023
Es ist Tag 2 im #polarkreisverkehr und ich frag mich immer noch where Åre we going???
Änyhow pt.1 gibts hier
Aufgewacht bin ich zu einem reenactment von Snowpiercer
Dann passierte das
Read 84 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
This morning I’m one of the first new regional trains Maubeuge 🇫🇷 - Charleroi Central 🇧🇪 #CrossBorderRail
It was a bit of a #fail at the station. I needed a ticket to Erquelinnes, the first station in Belgium. But prior to today trains from Maubeuge didn’t stop there!

Ticket machine ⛔️
Ask at the ticket office. “Le train ne s’arrête pas à Erquelinnes!” I politely told the SNCF employee that yes, it did stop at Erquelinnes. I explained the situation to the SNCB train manager and he laughed, confirmed it did stop there, and I bought the ticket online!
Read 8 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
Signal failure south of Fulda. Looks like I could miss the event in Mons I’m organising 😭
Delays in my favour. Maybe? S-Bahn to FFM Flughafen. Get a late running ICE to Köln Messe/Deutz there. Then try to blag my way onto a Thalys Köln Hbf to Bruxelles? It’s a long shot but it might work…
ICE 612 Frankfurt Flughafen to Köln Messe/Deutz.

This is why accurate live running data in apps matters. Were this not running 10 min late I’d not have caught it… but live data allowed me to plan a connection that’d otherwise not work
Read 12 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
Already on the 2nd train of the day: TGV Montbard - Paris. All being well I’ll be in Denmark tonight… but that feels a long way off just now! #EGPCongress #crossborderrail
Across Paris RER Gare de Lyon to Gare du Nord, walk to Gare de l’Est (faster than changing into a Métro to Est) and it’s onto the TGV to Mannheim. So far so good, but I banked on this bit working 🙂 #EGPCongress #CrossBorderRail
Franco-German train service. Very French prices! And no, it’s too early (and expensive) for #beerontrains 😉
Read 16 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
Renaissance of #CrossBorderRail in 🇺🇦

Restoration of railway line Przemyśl (PL) - Khyriv (UA) - Krościenko (PL) is underway!

What is special about this railway?
Why is it useful for PKP?
And why did armed soviet border guards drive by the open doors of each carriage?

Railway was built in 1872 as part of the First Hungarian-Galician railway, which connected Budapest with Lviv

At that time, railway didn't cross any borders - it was Austro-Hungarian Empire. But after the end of WW2, track crossed 3 countries: Ukraine, Poland and Czechoslovakia
Railway begins in Przemyśl (PL), after 12 km it crosses UA-PL border. After 38 km through the territory of Ukraine, it returns to Poland again

Approximately in the middle there is Khyriv station (UA) - a connection point with broad gauge railway network of Ukraine
Read 11 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
TGV Paris-BCN (train 9713) now - takes 6 hours 40 mins, inc. planned 38 min dwell time in stations

From 11 Dec Paris-BCN (still train 9713, amended timetable) - takes 6 hours 56 min, inc. planned 36 mins dwell time

How? 🤯
10 mins more Girona-BCN
7 mins more Paris-Valence
Here’s the full calculation

And you can get all the times - inc. interim stops - here… (put dates before or after 11 December) Image
The timetable of these Paris-BCN TGVs was already poor, and *they’ve managed to make it worse* - and especially on the Spanish side

Has Adif deliberately given this train a bad path? Or SNCF would not pay for a better path?


Read 4 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
I’ve tied myself in a bit of a knot

I am now known enough in EU rail circles to be invited to chair panels at events

However I’m currently earning ZERO from rail advocacy, so finding €125 for Thalys home from that event is tricky… and the “pay” to chair is free attendance
And to those saying “if they want your time they should pay”, the response sadly is no, not really. Organisers would find loads of people who could replace me who’d have all their costs covered by their employers in the rail industry… so it’s at my costs, or not at all.
Basically: this’d be useful #CrossBorderRail follow up. But my funding for that project is done. I can cross-subsidise some rail advocacy from other comms work I am doing. But there will be some things - like this one probably - where however useful it is, I will have to not go.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Why French rail needs better timetables, part 6242639

These are the times for Paris-Lille trains on Monday 14 November, across the morning and lunchtime

If you think *only* about Paris-Lille this sort of makes sense… More trains for commuter peaks
But what if Paris-Lille is only one part of your journey, and you need connections?

My trip is Nuits-sous-Ravières (2 hours south of Paris) to Bruges (90 mins north of Lille) on that day

And I need to be in Brugge by 13:15 or so

And so it all breaks down…
The earliest I can get to Paris
Read 6 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Sorted Nuits-sous-Ravières 🇫🇷 - København 🇩🇰 🚆🎟 to go to @europeangreens Congress 1 Dec

7 🚆 (Nuits-Montbard-Paris-Mannheim-Neumünster-Flensburg-Fredericia-Kbh)

⏰ 18 hours 40 mins

💻 2 bookings, giving me 4 tickets

🤪 trick needed to save €€€ by avoiding BXL / Thalys
Booked Nuits-sous-Ravières - Neumünster with @SNCB_Int for €82.50 - gave 3 tickets (Nuits-Montbard-Paris, Paris-Mannheim, Mannheim-Neumünster)

Hamburg - København H with @DB_Bahn 1 ticket €30.65 *

Seat reservation Mannheim-Neumünster €4.50 from @DB_Bahn as SNCB charges €6
* - and yes, I have Hamburg - Neumünster booked double, because then I have passenger rights in the case of missing my connection. If I had done the ticket split in Neumünster instead I’d not have had any rights
Read 4 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
OK, so Nuits-sous-Ravières (Bourgogne, France) to Herceg Novi (Montenegro) at the end of next week is fixed!

No flying of course!

So here’s how it’ll go…
Day 1

Nuits-sous-Ravieres - Dijon Ville
Dijon Ville - Strasbourg
Strasbourg - Appenweier
Appenweier - Karlsruhe Hbf
Karlsruhe Hbf - Stuttgart Hbf
Stuttgart Hbf - Villach Hbf

(all trains)

Night in Villach
Day 2

Villach Hbf - Zagreb Glavni Kolod (train)
Zagreb - Dubrovnik (bus)

Night in Dubrovik
Read 6 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
Good morning from Nuits-sous-Ravières

Today’s destination: Paris, via Laroche Migennes, for @OUAT_train “Des rails et vous”

Bastille market
Sadly not on Google Street View or @geoguessr
Read 4 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
Earlier this week I investigated the Givet 🇫🇷 - Dinant 🇧🇪 #CrossBorderRail missing link

This old route along the Meuse is a wonderful area, and it’d be excellent if trains could run here once more

But why is it so hard my old friend @anthonyzach asked me? The 🧵 answers this!
First, where is this line? These maps show the area.
Breaking it down in rail terms there are 3 sections:
Charleville-Mezieres - Givet (⚫️ on map - 63km, active double track, diesel)
Givet - Anseremme (gap on map - 22km, not active, was single track, diesel)
Anseremme - Dinant (🔵 on map - 2km, active double track, electrified)
Read 19 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
Welcome to #CrossBorderRail the autumn trips! This thread covers all the journeys between mid September and the end of October 2022…
Bit of a different start this morning!
Here’s the route map from today until Sunday
Read 36 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
OK, so I am going to use the channel I know - Twitter - to help me address something I’ve no idea about, namely whether I should write a book

This morning I was asked, for at least the 10th time, would I write a book about #CrossBorderRail

The answer was “maybe” - but how?

First of all: what do I know?

After having crossed 95 borders, travelled 30000km by train, having taken thousands of photos and hundreds of videos I have more than enough material. And I feel like I have not even begun to address many of the issues I discovered
What do I not know?

Should I write a book? If people are suggesting it, perhaps I should. But maybe they are more confident in this than I am?

Were I to write a book, how am I possibly going to finance the time such a massive undertaking would require? Who publishes this?
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
🚂🛌🌙 Gerade ging die Präsentation des Nightjet der neuen Generation (#NightjetNewGen) bei @SiemensMobility zu Ende. Im Wesentlichen ein PR-Event ohne wirklich neue Erkenntnisse.

Eine schnelle Zusammenfassung 🧵
🛏️ Im Liegewagen wird es klassische 4er-Abteile geben sowie die "Mini Cabins", die einem Kapselhotel nachempfunden sind.
🛌 Im Schlafwagen gibt es grundsätzlich nur 2er-Abteile und zwar in den Kategorien "Comfort" und "Comfort plus". In beiden Kategorien gibt es ein WC am Abteil, eine eigene Dusche nur bei "Comfort plus".
Read 9 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
Dann wollen wir mal kieken, was der neue Nightjet so kann, oder was? #NightjetNewGen
Los gehts
Heute geht es um das Innendesign der neuen Nightjets.
Read 22 tweets
Sep 4th 2022

So it’s Jon vs. Croatian Railways HŽPP

As @mrak @totalcroatia1 Silvana Mendusic & Dora Koretić know… this tends to not end well

A quick thread…
I want to go from Split to Rijeka on 4th October

That’s Croatia’s 2nd city to its 3rd city

There’s a railway line - shown in orange

So it ought to work..? Via Ogulin (roughly)
Here’s a zoom in on the bit around Ogulin

If there is no direct train, changing in Ostarije ought to work, or possibly Ogulin, or both
Read 11 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
The first conclusions from my #CrossBorderRail project are now out - 20 projects that would be comparatively simple and quick to implement that would make a positive change to international rail within 🇪🇺

This is for you @AdinaValean @Transport_EU!

Summary in the 🧵
Background on Top 20 👇

Detailed map of the Top 20 👇…

Recorded stream from the event launching the Top 20 👇

Press release 👇…

And now in 🧵 come the projects, alphabetical order!

Missing Service

To do: extend Trenitalia Regionale trains from Bardonecchia to Modane (18.8km). It has to be done this way around due to the change of voltage between the French and Italian systems
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Aug 29th 2022
Presentation of @jonworth’s #CrossBorderRail project in Berlin.

Jon crossed every EU internal border that’s possible to cross by train this summer, and found free movement by rail isn’t a reality for most. Watch here: Image
Many (not all) European countries have excellent rail systems - comprehensive and widely used. But these systems have been built nationally. They stop at the border.

The result is that today there are less cross-border rail connections than there were 50 years ago. Image
National state-owned rail operators have had little incentive to maintain train routes that crossed into other countries.

Jon found many old disused cross-border rail tracks that used to carry passengers across routinely decades ago - now abandoned by the rail operators. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Trying to work out what best to do with the photos I took during #CrossBorderRail

I want to make the good ones, and the useful ones, available for free for people to use

But how best to do this?

Questions posed in the 🧵, feedback needed!
First the easy bit, I think: I want to license the photos using CC BY-SA 4.0 - I am happy for anyone to use and re-use the images, for free, providing credit is given - and that license does that…
But where do I put the images?

Putting *some* on Wikimedia Commons would make sense, but probably not all of them - see “Is it suitable here?”…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
OK, this ICE Sprinter does not exactly sprint… it’s barely faster than a regular ICE Berlin-Köln

But the total zen like calm on board because of the absence of stops is *great*. So much nicer than a regular ICE! 😌
And if you’re @seatsixtyone levels of obsessive about this stuff, ICE 1156 is a ICE2, locomotive at the front.

Meaning seats 41 (north side) and 45 (south side) in carriage 21, 2nd class, are window seats - at a quiet dead end of a carriage. Highly recommended!
Ahhhhhh now I’m on a @SiemensMobility RRX to towards Aachen. Germany’s best regional trains. The mix of single and double deck carriages is excellent. Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 20th 2022
As my mind turns to the conclusions of #CrossBorderRail, damn I can’t escape how much of a mess pretty much every 🇫🇷 border is…
🇫🇷 🇪🇸
Hendaye-Irún - SNCF used to run to Irún, doesn’t any more. Use Euskotren instead, but data not in international timetables

Pau-Canfranc - missing link, French haven’t rebuilt a damaged bridge since 1970s
Latour du Carol-Puigcerda - timetables a mess, service minimal, trains Spanish side not in international timetables

Perpignan-Figueras Vilafant - high speed line but only 2 trains a day year round, 4 in summer
Read 22 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
#CrossBorderRail small request for assistance…

As I begin to compile my conclusions, there are a *few* places I was unable to photograph, but nevertheless need to be included in the conclusions
I need photos of:

Ventimiglia station

Figueras Vilafant station

Hendaye/Irún (Euskotren/SNCF/Renfe)

Latour du Carol
I can credit you if I can use your photos, but I cannot pay - this entire #CrossBorderRail project was on a shoestring budget

And in the same spirit, I am going to make thousands of the pics I took en route at other places available for all, for free, CC Licensed…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
Welcome to #CrossBorderRail - DE-CZ-PL extra day - the finale!…
I’m not a morning person. But early morning Berlin is quite nice
#CrossBorderRail Train 181
EC 171 07:16 Berlin Hbf - Děčín 09:54
Ave speed: 98 km/h
Operator: @db_bahn & @ceskedrahy_

Train type: @SiemensMobility Vectron & ČD carriages
🚲: ✅
🦽: ✅ (not step free - needs lift on platform)
📶: ✅
🍽: ✅
Read 28 tweets

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