Ben Wikler Profile picture
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Sep 5, 2022, 17 tweets

Proud to be marching with @ibew! Happy #LaborDay

Excellent tattoo #wiunion #LaborDay

@AFLCIO president @LizShuler is in the house in Wisconsin! #LaborDay #laborfest #wiunion

Nobody brings the energy like @Gwen4Congress!

“There has never been a more pro-worker, pro-labor president in the history of the United States!” – @SecMartyWalsh

Huge welcome for Governor Tony Evers! #1u #wiunion #LaborDay @Tony4WI

It’s @JoeBiden! Wisconsin workers roaring a huge hello

“The truth is, I wouldn’t be here without UNIONS.” – @POTUS @JoeBiden

Milwaukee has a ton of lead pipes.

@JoeBiden: “Because of the infrastructure law, we’re going to replace those lead pipes!”

Why are manufacturers from around the world bringing jobs to America?

“Because we have the safest environment—and the best workers in the world.”


@POTUS: “15% of veterans become union workers when they come home. We have a responsibility to take care of them and honor their service.”
…”I just signed the PACT Act to take care of these veterans, and provide for their families when they’re gone. It’s the least we can do.”

@JoeBiden explains how Ron Johnson has been shilling for huge pharmaceutical companies to kee prices high.

Explosive booing.

Then: “We beat pharma this year!”

Folks jump to their feet, cheering, pumping fists

@JoeBiden explains how @RonJohnsonWI helped pharma block a $35 cap on insulin costs. “But I’m coming back and getting it.”

Insulin costs $10 to make. But pharma jacks up prices so much that many parents can’t afford it for their kids with diabetes. “It’s WRONG.”

“When FDR signed the National Labor Relations Act, he didn’t say it was *okay* to be in a union. He said he *encouraged* unions.

Folks, I’m encouraging unions!”

“Rick Scott wants to put Social Security up for a vote every five years—to change it, cut it, and eliminate it.”

“And then along comes Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. He wants to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block in Congress EVERY SINGLE YEAR.”


“You can’t be pro insurrectionist and pro democracy.” – @JoeBiden

“We have to be more determined and committed to saving democracy than the MAGA Republicans and the other guy are to destroying American democracy.” @JoeBiden

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