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Sep 6, 2022, 8 tweets

/1 🔎🦠NEW: AFL lawsuit has uncovered the second set of shocking documents from the CDC revealing further concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC & social media companies to censor free speech.

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CDC emails Facebook about “Vaccine Confidence Group.”

/2 CDC hosted a training session on Facebook’s “Misinfo Reporting Channel.”

/3 The CDC admitted to increased reports of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Myocarditis in J&J-vaccinated individuals in August 2021, but nevertheless continued to promote the vaccine with little hesitation.

/4 The CDC sent emails to Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, flagging multiple examples of “misinfo” by the CDC, and reminded them that the Census Bureau is involved in tracking these posts.

Flagged posts by the CDC and Census Bureau appear to have been removed.

/5 Facebook created a position for a “Misinformation Manager” to censor free speech on behalf of the government.

CDC responded to Facebook with the names and titles of its “leads” for their discussion on the types of topics being removed from Facebook.

/6 CDC invited Google and Facebook to “be on the lookout” meetings to manage posts by the public that the CDC deemed “misinformation.”

/7 The CDC sent an email to Facebook and Google officials sharing a CDC “COVID-19 State of Vaccine Confidence Insights Report,” including short and long-term recommendations in order to “debunk” vaccine “misinformation and disinformation.”

/8 Read the full production now:…

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