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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Sep 7, 2022, 9 tweets

Midweek 🧵 incoming! Last Monday I analyzed Superman/Batman issues #53-#56 and how they are references #BatmanvSuperman. It was a lengthy one, so I left a couple of references out of it. So, here’s a bonus track 🧵 with them! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

First, Bruce and Clark meeting at a gala just like in #BatmanvSuperman

Batman’s classic entrance looking like the one in the Warehouse scene in #BvS. Also, him entering sort of a warehouse in the comic!

Batman (as the trained warrior he is) reacting like Zod in #ManofSteel to getting Superman’s powers. First, confused and affected by them. Then, adapting to them. Pretty crazy similarities!

Powerless Superman gets a “Batman” suit created by Alfred. In some of the art it looks similar to a combination of the Kryptonian’s armor and their underneath suit in #ManofSteel.

Clark has some dialogue about punching someone’s car out of space close to what he does in #ManofSteel to the abusive truck driver.

In addition, the comic has this beautiful moment with Bruce imaginary parents (which then turns into a crushing one) where they tell him how proud they are of him. It made me remember a lot Martian Manhunter’s beautiful moment with Bruce at the end of #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague

Related to this, Bruce is quite unforgiving with his behavior once the magic spell is done. In some ways very similar to how unforgiving he is during #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague with how he treated Superman.

And I wanted to close out the thread with a panel I love from the comic. Batman and Superman rebuilding the league’s headquarter (and also their relationship) and traveling back to Earth where you can see their silhouettes. Just beautiful from a very recommended comic run!

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