🇮🇳 Sangitha Varier 🚩 Profile picture
आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः🕉Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions🇮🇳Blessed by #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji 🚩

Sep 8, 2022, 6 tweets

🕉 #Onam - Thrikkakara Vamanamoorthy Temple Kochi #Kerala -Abode of King Mahabali & place of origin for #Onam festival. Thrikkakkara-Thiru Kaal Kara-means place of the Holy foot. The 2,000yr temple is 1 of 108 Holy Abodes of Bhagwan Vishnu& consecrated by Lord Parashurama🚩1/6

🚩The main shrine houses the Murthy of Bhagwan Vishnu in the form of Lord Vamana preparing to place his foot on the Brahmin Asura King Mahabali! Bhagavata Purana says Bhagwan Vishnu took Vamana avataram to restore the authority of Indra over the heavens🚩2/6

🚩 Which as it had been taken by MahaBali, a benevolent Asura King-the grandson of Prahlada, who was famous for his generosity & severe penance. Vamana, in the guise of a short Brahmin carrying a palm leaf umbrella, went to the king to request 3 paces of land 🚩 3/6

🚩 King MahaBali agreed against the warning of his guru, Sage Sukracharya. Shri Vamanan revealing his identity, enlarged to gigantic proportions to stride over the 3 worlds. He stepped from heaven to earth with the 1st step, from earth to the netherworld with the 2nd step 🚩4/6

🚩 King MahaBali, unable to fulfill his promise, offered his head for the 3rd step.
Bhagwan Vamana placing his foot on King Mahabali’s bowed head granted the king the boon of immortality for his humility 🚩5/6

King Mahabali prayed that he be allowed to visit his kingdom #Kerala once a year to ensure that his people were still happy,well fed & content. Lord Vishnu was pleased to grant Mahabali his wish.Hence,Mahabali comes to visit his people & his land during #Onam for 10 days 🚩6/6

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