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Sep 12, 2022, 8 tweets

1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 12, 2022
The situation is still evolving & lots or reports of Ukr troops pas #Oskil river, but it not really possible to confirm a real definitive FEBA line for now.
on the...
#UkraineMap #CarteUkraine

2/ on the other hand, regarding the situation on the south of the Donets river, the situation remains almost unchanged, even if Gen staff confirms that The enemy continues to focus its efforts on establishing control over the territory of Donetsk oblast.
They regroup to push back

3/ Ukrainians out .. beyond the #SiverskyDonets but today there were new about more Ukrainians troops (i reported some were already there days ago) went from #Bilohorivka area to #Kreminna #Kremina (but very diff outcomes are reported) also few vids (no geoloc) to corroborate all

4/ and about the situation around #Bakhmut .. here is a topo map.

5/ last gen staff report. part 1&2

6/ here, a map i've made with all the railway network.
that is quite a good "help" to visualize the main axis and what could be the UKr "goals" which would help to block all the russian logistics through ukr land.
better to control East Oblast in a near future.

7/ also quite interesting, the fact that once you would reach that precise point (down below) it would be quite easy to "Himars" (Gmlrs) the Russian lines of transports and rails and main hub. so it would "block" then the main line to distribute materials and ammo to LNR/DNR


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