Alexander Kamyshin Profile picture
Minister of strategic industries of Ukraine

Sep 12, 2022, 17 tweets

Today I failed. I've done everything possible and slightly more, but failed. My plan was to get to recently retaken Town B. by train. But no success. It was a long long day. So listen to the story.

I took this railcar to get there. That's a service railcar that carries our track repair crews.

70 km drive. Hypnotizing.

The main problem for us on retaken territories is about mines. See that sign saying that mines ahead?

Used missiles on the way.

And long, long way again.

Broken #grain storage unit on the way.

Then 10+ km walking with demining officers. They are awesome. Really.

First broken track. No problem for us. Few hours to fix it, not more.

#russians made a cross over the tracks for their military machinery. Will fix that too. No worries.

Then we found #uragan projectile, that still not detonated.

Just imagine, this projectile was produced back in 1976. It’s older than me!

Neutralizing the projectile right away.

And more track damages.

And #phosphorus bombs.

200 days unused railway stations.

Something strange that we can’t identify.

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