π§΅Thread 1/17: King Charles's Protection Officer was seen on the 09th September 2022 with a strange looking handgun according to UK Press.
#OSINT #KingCharlesIII #UK #SO14
π§΅2/17: UK Royalty Protection Officers usually belong to SO14: eliteukforces.info/police/SO14-roβ¦
We can see from the photo that the pistol grip is pointing outwards, which indicates the officer is right-handed and opted for a cross-draw type carry.
π§΅3/17: SO14 Officers carry a Glock 17 (9mm), the handgun does not look like a G17. The daily star newspaper states " A gun was spotted poking out of the armed guard's blazer". To support the claims about officers carrying a Glock 17, read this article:theguardian.com/uk/2000/jun/16β¦
π§΅4/17: We can see below that actually, the "handgun" with the yellow pistol grip is not a firearm, its a Taser X26, and it seems that SO14 Officers are instructed to put in on their left side in a cross-draw position.#Taser #Taserx26 #OSINT #SO14
π§΅5/17: SO14 Protection Officers, still of course carry a Glock 17 handgun, side carry or back carry like on the photo below.#Glock17 #Glock #SO14 #UK #OSINT
π§΅6/17: In regards to the Protection Officer of King Charles, on the 9th of September 2022 he never left his side, this may indicate a form of importance and a PPO role (Personal Protection Officer/Team Leader) #OSINT #Analysis
π§΅7/17: Photos dating back a few years were found, video & photo analysis possibly confirms that the officer has full trust of King Charles, correlating factors such as longevity, repetitive actions being in the front protective position with an arm around King Charles.
π§΅8/17: This is the oldest photo found, and dates back 3 years ago to 2019, King Charles visited the flooded village of #Fishlake. We can see from the photo that his protection officer is directly him. #OSINT #KingCharlesIII
π§΅9/17: 09th of November 2021, King Charles visits pop sensation Cheryl. Again, we can see his Protection Officer is present, directly behind King Charles. #OSINT #KingCharlesIII
π§΅10/17: A video was found from the same day where we can see the officer telling King Charles exactly where to go. This may indicate that the officer has had a leader role already for quite some time.#OSINT #KingCharlesIII
π§΅11/17: Relatively at ease in public meetings with King Charles. 11th of November 2021 #OSINT #KingCharlesIII
π§΅12/17 : 11th of November 2021 #OSINT #KingCharlesIII
π§΅13/17: Date Unknown #OSINT
π§΅14/17: Date Unkown #OSINT #KingCharlesIII
π§΅15/17: 4th of February 2020: King Charles visits TK Maxx in South London. We can see his Protection Officer has his arm around him, and takes a leader type role. #OSINT #SO14 #UK #KingCharlesIII
π§΅16/17: 4th of February 2020: A video was found where we notice again that the Protection Officer takes position as the team leader and a role as the Personal Protection Officer of KC, he is at the front and has his arm around King Charles. #OSINT
π§΅17/17: Hope you enjoyed this π§΅, sometimes press outfits don't make the necessary verifications, the Royalty Protection Officer did not have a gun showing, it was a Taser X26, we also established that the Officer is of importance within the circle of King Charles. #OSINT
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