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Sep 14, 2022, 9 tweets

1/ #ГУРінформує
!! ️Military units of the Russian Federation cancel sending units to Ukraine due to mass refusal of personnel to participate in combat
▪️In parts and connections that are in the territory of the Russian Federation, scheduled shipments of personnel to Ukraine are

2/ canceled. The reason is a mass refusal to participate in combat.
▪️Soldiers of 5 separate tank brigade of the 36th Army (Ulan-Ude), who write reports on discharge due to refusal to continue participating in combat in Ukraine, are dismissed from service without taking into

3/ account any benefits (service years - one year for three, status a veteran & so on). The personal staff of the brigade, which is in Ukraine, are granted vacations exclusively on family circumstances (death of close relatives).
▪️ At the same time, in the units participating in

4/ the war against Ukraine, there is a catastrophic shortage of personnel. In order to "solve the problem", the command of the occupation forces decided to significantly reduce the time for the rehab of the military after injuries and injuries. The wounded in hospitals purposely

5/ simplify diagnoses, do not conduct previously planned operations and offer to return to the war to Ukraine. Doctors are "recommended" to grant permission for scheduled surgical interventions only after the end of the war or with the direct permission of the wounded commander.

6/ ▪️ It is a known case when after a rupture of the drum intersection of the ear and a contusion, the soldier was discharged from the hospital in 3 days. The official diagnosis is "otitis". It is recommended not to get an ear cold. At that, the surgical intervention was denied.

7/ ▪️ Currently, the invaders are trying to strengthen their grouping under temporarily occupied #Kherson at the expense of "available reserves". 4 btgs of the so-called "kadyrív" r planned for this purpose. But these units are currently significantly understaffed.

8/ Most personnel are not even Chechens, but mercenaries from the poorest regions of the Russian Federation.
so i guess the "ultimate killers" are not so ready to come to fight right now...
the word is out.. couple months ago.. they still believe in it.. now they know...

9/ so I guess we will have to wait to see about Hordes of Chinese, north Koreans, Sudanese, Syrians, etc etc

if on one hand people now fear too much about useless death & on the other one their gvt (like China) hopes for a quick stop of this war.. we might never ever see them...

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