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CTO and co-Founder @TheDataCity. Head of Data @OpenInnovates || Runs @imactivate. No profile pic, location, name, and bio? I probably won't see your tweet.

Sep 14, 2022, 7 tweets

A juxtaposition for the purists.

That'll explain why I can't log in then.

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

If railway engineers did #opendata. It would look like this.

Sadly it's too hard for me. I give up. I'll use the 2019 timetable. It won't make much difference.

Got around this with advice from @travelling_wolf but now I see that new versions of NaPTAN are missing Latitudes and Longitudes for some railway station. Which is,... not going to produce a good GTFS file.

Wow. Yet more "you must sign in for data" stuff from UK national organisations.

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